



Mortimer House’s GUY IVESHA on a trip to New York City

MY FIRST TRIP to New York was when I was 12 or 13. My first memory was driving over Manhattan Bridge to the skyscraper­s of Downtown. The sun was coming up.

I was travelling with my mum to visit her friend who had just moved there (my father was never a big fan).

I loved how the light reflected off the tall buildings. Each neighbourh­ood had its own character – walking through them felt like crossing not just countries, but continents. I even enjoyed manoeuvrin­g through the large crowds. The pace of the city was electrifyi­ng. That trip planted something in my head about New York: I’d never been to a city so dynamic.

At the time, I was living just north of Tel Aviv. I visited New York twice more as a teenager, but spent some proper time there during a three-month internship at The Mark hotel. I was living in New York and working at one of the city’s best hotels: it was a transforma­tive experience. I came back to London and couldn’t stop dreaming about New York. I was falling in love with it.

I liked how strangers could make conversati­on in the subway, gym or a restaurant. No matter where you come from – you can become a New Yorker. I couldn’t say that about anywhere else in the world. New York continues to set the pace for most megacities. There’s always something new.

Even after all these years, New York still has that dreamlike quality to me. It’s only when I arrive there that I realise it’s real.

Guy Ivesha is the founder of Mortimer House, a member’s club in London with interiors from design firm AvroKO. mortimerho­ 我記得初次到訪紐約市­是12、13歲時。我對紐約的第一個印象­是坐車經曼哈頓大橋前­往摩天大樓林立的市中­心。此時,旭日正從遠方升起。



那時我住在特拉維夫北­部。我在青少年時期又踏足­過紐約兩次,但後來有幸於The Mark酒店實習三個­月,才有機會真正在當地生­活。那時我住在紐約市,於城中數一數二的酒店­工作:那是一個令我脫胎換骨­的經驗。回到倫敦之後,紐約卻在我腦海中揮之­不去。我深深愛上了這個「大蘋果」。




 ??  ?? 上流社會Guy Ivesha深愛紐約­的摩天大樓及充沛活力
上流社會Guy Ivesha深愛紐約­的摩天大樓及充沛活力
 ??  ?? High society Guy Ivesha loves the skyscraper­s and energy of New York
High society Guy Ivesha loves the skyscraper­s and energy of New York

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