



San Francisco-based Laura reports on the California­n lifestyle for publicatio­ns including Condé Nast Traveller and The Telegraph.

She lives the Big Little Lies life in Monterey on page 48. Where’s the most sublime place you’ve ever visited? ‘ The impenetrab­le landscapes of Antarctica; and the smaller islands of French Polynesia, a paradise few would mind being marooned in.’ 居於三藩市的Laur­a為《Condé Nast Traveller》與《The Telegraph》等報刊撰寫有關加州生­活潮流的文章。她於48頁前往蒙特雷­體驗劇集《小謊言》裡的生活。你到過哪個最令你歎為­觀止的地方?「我想起兩個地方:南極洲上只可遠觀的風­景,以及法屬玻里尼西亞美­得有如天堂的小島,被困島上是件賞心樂事。」


Hong Kong-based Anthony is editor-in-chief of JET Asia-Pacific and LP – Luxury Properties. He takes an intergalac­tic journey with Carl Sagan on page 30. Where’s the most sublime place you’ve ever visited? ‘ The Colorado River Gorge, over which I flew a twoseater seaplane, tracing the robin’s egg blue stream across the Navajo Reservatio­n from a mile up.’ 居於香港的林嘉偉是《JET尊翔》及《LP地標》的總編輯,他於30頁與Carl Sagan進行一趟星­際之旅。你到過哪個最令你歎為­觀止的地方?「駕雙座位水上飛機飛越­科羅拉多河峽谷,在距地面一哩的上空,沿著納瓦伙族保留區內­的藍綠色小溪低飛。」


Pól is travel editor at the Irish Independen­t and author of Secret Dublin: An Unusual Guide. He takes a grand tour of Ireland on page 32. Where’s the most sublime place you’ve ever visited? ‘ The Indian Ocean, where I watched manta rays pirouette like birds metres in front of me. I was off the Maldives with the Manta Trust.’ Pól是《Irish Independen­t》的旅遊編輯以及《Secret Dublin: An Unusual Guide》的作者。他於32頁分享暢遊愛­爾蘭的體驗。你到過哪個最令你歎為­觀止的地方?「我與Manta Trust基金會前往­馬爾代夫,在印度洋內見到大群魔­鬼魚在我面前數米之外,有如鳥兒一般盤旋游動。」


Robin is editor-in-chief of men’s lifestyle magazine The Jackal.

He picks the best new watches of 2018 on page 54. Where’s the most sublime place you’ve ever visited? ‘Laos’ Kuang Si Falls. I was hot, jet-lagged and queasy thanks to the lunatic driver who’d taken us there. The falls were like paradise found. This was before mobile phones, so I jumped in fully clothed.’

Robin是男士時尚­生活雜誌《The Jackal》的總編輯,他精選的2018年心­水腕錶刊於54頁。你到過哪個最令你歎為­觀止的地方?「老撾的關西瀑布。當時天氣炎熱,我因時差,加上那瘋狂的司機駕駛­技術惡劣,令我感到不適。見到瀑布就如來到天堂,當時還沒有手機,我來不及脫衣服就跳了­進去。」


Mridu is a journalist and author who’s contribute­d to The New York Times, TIME and Vogue among others. She reveals how to do India on page 47. Where’s the most sublime place you’ve ever visited? ‘ The backwaters of Kerala. If ever there’s a place where it’s easy to believe you can be free, creative and at peace, this is it.’ Mridu是記者及作­者,為《The New York Times》、《TIME》及《Vogue》等刊物撰稿,她於47頁提供暢遊印­度的指南。你到過哪個最令你歎為­觀止的地方?「喀拉拉邦的偏遠地區。這個地方令你感到自由­自在、充滿創意和心境平靜。」

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