


DUBLIN DOESN’T REALLY do neighbourh­oods. You won’t find a Soho here, and anyone asking for directions to ‘downtown’ will draw looks of confusion as everything is central and easily walkable.

You’ll surely have heard of Temple Bar, a strip of restaurant­s, pubs and shops on the south bank of the River Liffey that’s Grand Central Station for tourists, but most locals give it a wide berth on weekends.

Instead, for nightlife, follow the students and hipsters towards Aungier Street and Wexford Street, where casual food joints ( Dublin Pizza Company, Aungier Danger doughnut shop, Spanish restaurant Las Tapas de Lola) line up beside craft beer bars like Against the Grain and live music venue Whelan’s.

都柏林其實沒有明顯劃­分成不同社區,沒這裡 有蘇豪區,如果問人如何前往「市中心」,對方想必會滿臉困惑。因為這裡一切都非常集­中,即使徒步前往亦很方便。

你一定對Temple Bar酒吧區略有所聞,這是指酒吧、餐廳及商店林立的Ri­ver Liffey河南岸,這一帶是遊客聚集的旅­遊熱點,但大多數都柏林人在周­末都對此區退避三舍。

相反,若想體驗夜生活,不妨跟隨學生和嬉皮,士 前往Aungier Street街和We­xford Street街,這裡有好幾家休閒餐館(如Dublin Pizza Company薄店餅、Aungier Danger冬甩店和­西班牙餐館Las Tapas de Lola),以及多間手工啤酒吧如, Against the Grain和現場音樂­表演場地Whelan’s。

不遠的The Liberties區(亦稱

Nearby, The Liberties (also known as Dublin 8) is the city’s upand- coming district, where street vendors selling from prams meet a young, urban set flitting between antique shops, hip cafes and transforma­tive new arrivals like the Teeling Whiskey Distillery.

Grand Canal Dock is where U2 have their recording studio and the techies hang out (during the day, at least) – the European HQs of Facebook, Airbnb and Google are all nearby – and the food scene is improving all the time.

Finally, if your carriage turns into a pumpkin, head to Harcourt Street – a Georgian strip that flips into nightlife central after dark, thanks to cheesy clubs like Krystle and Copper Face Jacks (don’t say we didn’t warn you).

為Dublin8)是城中的新興地區,既有將貨物放在手推車­上出售的街頭攤檔,亦有古董店、型格咖啡店及威士忌蒸­餾廠Teeling Whiskey Distillery­等人氣新貴進駐,令小區洋溢都會活力。

Grand Canal Dock船塢不但是愛­爾蘭樂隊U2自設錄音­室的所在地,亦是科技人才的消遣熱­點(至少白天確實如此) ,皆因Facebook、Airbnb和Goo­gle的歐洲總部均在­舉步,之遙 區內餐廳的水準更不斷­提。高

最後,如果你的馬車變回了南­瓜,車 你還可以前往保持喬治­期時風貌的Harco­urt Street街,條這街道充斥像Kry­stle 和Copper Face Jacks等低俗夜店,入夜後變身為熱鬧頹靡­的生夜 活集中地(可別說我們沒提事先 醒你)。

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