

The films of Hong Kong’s Wong Kar-wai are featured in a special collection this month本月精選香­港著名導演王家衛最膾­炙人口的電影於機上放­映

- Alvin Lai is Cathay Pacific’s assistant manager, customer experience – entertainm­ent content

For the past three decades, Wong Kar-wai has turned romantic yearning into an art form. His witty internal dialogue, his examinatio­n of emotional loneliness and his distinctiv­e visual style continue to inspire aspiring directors today; Barry Jenkins, the director of last year’s Best Picture Oscar winner, Moonlight, cites Wong as one of his biggest influences.

As Hong Kong’s flagship airline, Cathay Pacific aims to curate the best of Hong Kong cinema for passengers around the world. This month, we’re featuring a collection of films by Hong Kong’s premier arthouse auteur for the first time.

Wong made his debut with As Tears

Go By, a gangland drama that shows his style coming into shape with the use of vibrant colours, undercrank­ed action scenes (shot at a lower frame rate to create a more chaotic effect) and music choices that set the mood perfectly. But it was his second film, Days of Being Wild, that marked the start of his move into arthouse. The film tells a story of romantic entangleme­nts in 1960s Hong Kong, with a smooth-talking playboy portrayed by Leslie Cheung at its centre. Its lack of a traditiona­l plot structure and slow pace baffled audiences, but it has since become one of Wong and Cheung’s most-loved films.

That collaborat­ion forged a longstandi­ng partnershi­p that produced two other contempora­ry Hong Kong classics. In subversive martial arts drama Ashes of Time (a re-edited ‘Redux’ version is onboard this month), Cheung plays a lovelorn master swordsman in the desert. In Happy Together, Cheung and Tony Leung Chiu-wai (another frequent Wong collaborat­or) play a couple in Buenos Aires. Both films reveal Wong to be a meticulous and melancholi­c stylist who views love as unattainab­le but always worth yearning for.

Then came Chungking Express, about two heartbroke­n police officers and their encounters with new loves. The handheld cinematogr­aphy captures Hong Kong with raw, immediate energy that was far ahead of its time in 1994. One of the cinematogr­aphers for this film was Christophe­r Doyle, an Australian who built his reputation working on seven of Wong’s 10 films. (Read about Doyle’s latest work on page 86.)

Speaking to Discovery, Doyle says his relationsh­ip with Wong is similar to a marriage. ‘ Why would you spend some time with anybody who wasn’t giving you something you didn’t have yourself? Wong Kar-wai was looking for something he can’t articulate alone, and then we found a voice,’ says Doyle, who calls Wong the ‘Genghis Khan of Chinese cinema’. ‘I think the most important thing that Wong has ever said to me is, “Is that all you can do, Chris?” It’s a mantra. It’s a way to address who you are in any aspect. Ninety per cent of the time you say, “That’s all I can do,” but occasional­ly you’ll do better. And that occasional is what matters.’

在過去30 年,王家衛把對愛情的渴望­化成藝術,他那睿智的內心獨白、感對情 寂寞的探究,以及獨特的視覺風格,仍對今天的新晉導來演­帶 啟。發 去年奧斯卡最佳電影《月亮喜歡藍》的導演 Barry Jenkins,也曾表示王家衛是響影 他最大的導演之一。

國泰航空是香港的旗艦­航空公司,一直致力為自來 全球的乘客搜羅優秀的­香港電影。本月,我推們 出這位藝術電影大師的­多部經典之作。

王家衛的首作是黑幫電­影《旺角卡門》,初試啼聲已經展示出他­獨有的風格,鮮明亮的麗 色彩、減速攝影的動作場面(以較慢的幀率拍攝,塑造混亂的效果) ,以及完美表達氣氛的背­景音樂。不過他的第二部電影《阿飛正傳》才是奠定他藝術電影方­向的代表作,電影以1960 年代香港為背,景 張國榮飾演一個口甜舌­滑的不覊浪子,道出一個情愛糾結故的 事。電影摒棄傳了 統的劇情結構,節奏緩慢,雖然令當時不少觀眾困­惑不解,但卻自此成為王家衛與­張國榮最受觀眾喜愛的­電影之一。

這部電影造就了王家衛­和張國榮往後的長期合­作關係,拍出了另外兩部當代經­典香港電影。在顛覆傳統的武俠電影《東邪西毒》(本月機上放映重新剪輯­的「終極版」)中,張國榮飾演因失戀而隱­居沙漠客的劍;在《春洩光乍 》中,張國榮與同樣經常跟王­家衛合作的梁,朝偉 飾演對一 在布宜諾艾斯利斯離離­合合的同性戀。人 王家衛在這兩部作品中,以細膩而略帶憂鬱的手­法,表達了他認為愛情雖不­可得卻值得渴望看。的法

然後還有《重慶森林》,述描 兩段失戀警察再結新歡­的故事,以手搖鏡頭捕捉香港粗­獷和野性的面貌,在當時1994 年說來是相當前衛的。來自澳洲的杜可風是本­片其中一位攝影指導,在王家衛的十部電影中,他參與了七部的製作,更因此在電影界奠定穩­固地位。杜( 可風最近推作出新 ,請參閱 86頁)

杜可風向《Discovery》表示,他與王家衛的關係有如­婚姻:「你為何要花時間跟一個­不是與你互補不足的人­在一起?王家衛在尋找一些他無­法獨自表達的東西而,我起們一 可以找到一種風格。」他形容王家衛為國「中 電影界的成吉思汗」。杜可風補充說道:「王家衛跟我說過最重要­的一句話是你︰『 已經盡力了嗎?』這句話有如神奇魔咒,幫可以 助你在各方面發自揮 己的最大潛力。十次有九次你會說:『我已盡了力。』但偶爾有一次你還可以­做得更,好 而這個偶爾就是關鍵」。

 ??  ?? 悲歡離合左上圖起針順:時 王家衛;《重慶森林》;角《旺 卡門》、《阿飛正傳;》《春洩光乍 》;邪《東 西毒》Lonely hearts club Clockwise from top left: Wong Kar-wai; Chungking Express; As Tears Go By; Days of Being Wild; Happy Together; Ashes of Time
悲歡離合左上圖起針順:時 王家衛;《重慶森林》;角《旺 卡門》、《阿飛正傳;》《春洩光乍 》;邪《東 西毒》Lonely hearts club Clockwise from top left: Wong Kar-wai; Chungking Express; As Tears Go By; Days of Being Wild; Happy Together; Ashes of Time
 ??  ??

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