

- Jonny Greenwood delivers his most lyrical film score yet with Paul Thomas Anderson’s Phantom Thread. By KEVIN MA


decade, Radiohead’s lead guitarist Jonny Greenwood has discovered a new career as a film composer, writing original scores for films such as The Master, Norwegian Wood and You Were Never Really Here. Inspired by the avant garde works of Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki, Greenwood’s film scores are transcende­nt, haunting and often unsettling.

Phantom Thread is the fourth film Greenwood has scored for director Paul Thomas Anderson, who gave the musician his first shot at it with There Will Be Blood. Greenwood’s powerfully minimalist work on that film contribute­d greatly to a stylistic shift for Anderson, who went from making Robert Altman-esque ensemble opuses such as Boogie Nights and

Magnolia to developing a unique auteur style. Anderson and Greenwood have since become one of the greatest ongoing collaborat­ions in arthouse cinema today.

Phantom Thread, however, is nothing like the duo’s previous works. Set in 1950s England, the romantic drama is about a dressmaker (Daniel Day-Lewis) and his push-and-pull relationsh­ip with a waitress he has fallen in love with ( Vicky Krieps). More in the vein of his work on Norwegian Wood than There Will Be Blood, Phantom Thread’s soundtrack (which earned Greenwood a long overdue Oscar nomination) is a richly ethereal work that perfectly matches Anderson’s lavish depiction of high society.

The titular theme song – played in four different variations, ranging from a simple piano version to a full-blown orchestrat­ed rendition performed by the Royal Philharmon­ic Orchestra – is at once elegant and ominous. The film’s other theme song – The House of Woodcock – is a romantic piece that plays like a beautiful waltz. There’s still a hint of the Greenwood his fans know and love with Barbara Rose – backed with Philip Glass-esque plucked strings – and the Penderecki-esque Boletus Felleus.

Like his peer Anderson, the greatest thing about Greenwood’s film scores is the musician’s ability to constantly surprise. With Phantom Thread, he has delivered his most sumptuous and most romantic work to date.

在過去十年, Radiohead 的主音結他手

Jonny Greenwood開­創出另一番事業,就是以電影配樂師的身­份為《大師》、《挪威的森林》、《獨行煞星》等電影編寫原創音樂。Greenwood 受波蘭作曲家Krzy­sztof Penderecki­的前衛作品啟發,電影配樂同樣超凡脫俗、繞樑三日,使人聽後念念不忘。

《霓裳魅影》是Greenwood 與導演

Paul Thomas Anderson 第四度合作的電影, Anderson 執導的《黑金風雲》將


Greenwood 為該片創作出風格強烈­的簡約音樂,則為 Anderson 電影風格上的轉型埋下­重要伏筆。Anderson的電­影逐漸由

Robert Altman那種人物­群像的形式,如《一舉成名》和《人生交叉剔》,慢慢發展出屬於自己的­獨特風格。此後,二人成為當今藝術電影­界中一對無懈可擊的拍­檔。

不過,《霓裳魅影》有別於二人以往合作的­作品。這個以1950年代英­倫為背景的愛情故事,描繪由Daniel DayLewis 飾 演 的 服 裝 設 計 師,與Vicky Krieps飾演的年­輕女侍應Alma之間­若 即 若 離 的 曖 昧 關 係。Greenwood為《霓裳魅影》創作的配樂,若與《黑金風雲》及《挪威的森林》比較,風格更接近後者,亦令他獲得遲來的奧斯­卡提名。他編寫的音樂優雅脫俗,與Anderson悉­心描繪的上流社會,配合得天衣無縫。

跟戲名同名的電影主題­曲有四重變奏,由簡單的鋼琴獨奏,到皇家愛樂樂團 演繹的管弦樂演奏,都是在優雅溫柔中帶點­惴惴不安;另一首主題音樂〈The House of Woodcock〉,則有如一首浪漫而典雅­的華爾滋。至於插曲〈Barbara Rose〉中運用的撥弦方式,風格類似走簡約主義風­格的Philip Glass,而〈Boletus Felleus〉則帶有Pendere­cki 的色彩;即使如此,樂迷仍可感受到他們熟­悉且鍾愛的Green­wood 風格。


 ?? Jonny Greenwood在­Paul Thomas Anderson的《霓裳魅影》中譜出他歷來最詩情畫­意的電影配樂。撰文:馬樂民 ??
Jonny Greenwood在­Paul Thomas Anderson的《霓裳魅影》中譜出他歷來最詩情畫­意的電影配樂。撰文:馬樂民
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