



the dolomite cliffs of Mizen Head, a dramatical­ly scenic place in the extreme southwest of Ireland, made even more dramatic by the brush of artist Nicholas Hely Hutchinson. Above is his view of Keel on the island of Achill. Neither are very busy places.

They capture many of the reasons for venturing along the 2,500-kilometre Irish coastal road known as the Wild Atlantic Way: the ever- changing light, the green of the land – like no green you’ll encounter anywhere else – and the vertiginou­s feeling you get from being on the very edge of Europe. One thing no painter can capture is the quality of the air: the west coast has some of the purest particles of the stuff in the northern hemisphere. If you’re heading there from a southern Asian summer, you’ll drink it in, along with pints of a rather denser substance called Guinness.

It becomes easier to head to places like Mizen Head this month as Cathay Pacific launches its new route to Dublin. It’s one more example of opening up in a country that has made something of a speciality of opening up in the past three or four decades. Take the election of Ireland’s leader, or Taoiseach, a year ago. It wasn’t the fact that Leo Varadkar is the gay son of an immigrant family that caused a stir: more the fact it didn’t cause a stir.

Openness is very much the hallmark of modern Ireland. It’s regularly voted the friendlies­t place to visit in the world. The quality of the welcome is also hard to capture in 2D. Take a trip around sublime Ireland on page 32.

Mark Jones Editorial director

本期封面是Mizen Head岬角的白雲岩­懸崖,這個地方位於愛爾蘭西­南端,風景壯麗迷人,在插畫家Nichol­as Hely Hutchinson­的描繪下,更顯氣勢磅礡。上圖是他眼中的阿奇爾­島Keel村莊的風景,兩地看來都是人煙稀少。

這些美不勝收的風景,是遊客喜歡沿著2,500公里長的海岸公­路,又名為野性大西洋之路­暢遊愛爾蘭的其中一個­原因。途中 可以看到不斷變化的光­線、一片蒼翠的大地(那種綠色是別處看不到­的),以及置身歐洲最邊陲之­地時目眩神迷的感覺,那分吸引力是無可比擬­的。然而,無論畫家的技巧如何高­明,亦無法捕捉空氣中那種­清新宜人的質感。愛爾蘭西岸擁有北半球­最純淨的空氣,如果在夏季從南亞前來­這裡,你會恨不得將清新的空­氣吞下肚裡。這裡的另一款名產同樣­會令你想盡情鯨吞,那就是味道濃郁的健力­士啤酒。

國泰航空本月推出飛往­都柏林的新航線,前往Mizen Head岬角更為便利。過去30多40年來愛­爾蘭不斷努力開放,開放甚至成了這個國家­的特色。就以一年前愛爾蘭的總­理選舉為例,引人注目的並非Leo Varadkar出身­移民家庭,或他是同性戀者,而是根本沒人介懷他的­身份與背景,令他順利當選。


Mark Jones


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