

兩部關於一群男人拒絕­長大的喜。劇撰:文 馬樂民Two comedies about men who resist growing up. By KEVIN MA


From Entourage to Judd Apatow comedies, films and TV shows about men who refuse to grow up – their immaturity usually leading to chaos or despair – have become a phenomenon in the past decade. There have even been books written about the rise of this genre.

Tag is about holding onto childhood, but it also raises the question: is not growing up such a bad thing? The feature film debut of TV director Jeff Tomsic is based on a Wall Street Journal article about a real group of friends who’ve been engaged in a continuous, cross-country game of tag for the past 30 years. When Jerry (Jeremy Renner), the only player who has never been tagged, announces his retirement from the game, the rest of the group is determined to break his streak.

Tag squeezes plenty of laughs out of how seriously the characters take their game. The tag sequences, featuring overthe-top stunts that should’ve resulted in injuries (Renner really did get hurt in one of them), are filmed and edited with the breathless intensity of fight scenes. Yet, Tag is also a sweet story about the importance of childhood friendship­s lasting into adulthood. In the film, Ed Helms’ character borrows an old saying as the reason for continuing the game: ‘ We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.’ It sounds cliched, but the message is surprising­ly resonant.

While Tag remains lightheart­ed, Thai comedy Brother of the Year shows the damaging effects one man’s childish behaviour can have on those around him. Jane (Urassaya ‘Yaya’ Sperbund) has spent her entire life feuding with her older brother, Chut (Sunny Suwanmetha­nont), because of his immaturity. When Jane finally finds the perfect boyfriend (Nichkhun of South Korean boy band 2PM), Chut suddenly becomes the overprotec­tive brother and tries to ruin the relationsh­ip.

Brother of the Year starts out as an odd-couple comedy showing Chut’s childish hijinks and Jane’s extreme countermea­sures (she wraps the toilet in duct tape to keep the seat down for good, for example). But when the feud leads to serious consequenc­es, the film becomes a more sombre drama about the emotional toll of sibling rivalries.

Brother of the Year is produced by Thai movie powerhouse GDH, which also released last year’s Bad Genius and other blockbuste­rs. The film’s mix of slapstick comedy and melodrama is part of a tried-and-tested commercial formula, but the complex love-hate nature of Chut and Jane’s relationsh­ip still rings true to anyone who’s had to deal with an irresponsi­ble older sibling. Growing up can be hard to do, but Brother of the Year will convince you that the gain is sometimes worth the pain.

過去十年,從《色慾荷里活》到Judd Apatow 導演的喜劇,電影及電視劇中充斥著­拒絕長大的男人,他們幼的稚 行為往往帶來亂象或失­望。這個主題在影視作品中­大行其道甚, 至有人著書立

說探, 討這個類型興盛的。原因

《Tag》講述的是對童年時代的­執著,但同時也提出一個問題:不肯長大真的是件壞事­嗎?這部電影是電視導演 Jeff Tomsic初登大銀­的幕 處女作,故事來自《華爾街日報》一篇文章,講述一班朋友過去30 年來不停穿州過省,走遍全國來玩捉人遊戲。Jerry(Jeremy Renner 飾)是唯一從未被捉到過的,人 但有一天他宣佈要退出­這個遊戲,的其他 朋友於是想方設法要將­他捉到,打破他的紀錄。

眾位主角在電玩影中 遊戲的態度極其認真,為影片製造不少笑料。的片中 捉人遊戲有不少過火場­面,以及可能會令人受傷的­動作特技,而 Renner 亦的確在拍攝時受了傷;這些特場技 面拍攝後加上剪接技巧,緊張刺激的度程不下於­搏鬥場可面。是《Tag》也是一個動人的故事,描述當你長大成人之後,仍能擁有童年好友是件­相當珍貴的。事在片中由, Ed Helm飾的演Hog­an 借用了一句俗語來說明­為何要繼續玩這個遊戲:「我們不是因為去老 而停止玩遊戲,我們是因為停止玩遊戲­才會老去。」聽來不過是老生常談,可是卻出乎意料地令人­感到共鳴。

動作加上笑料的《Tag》是一部輕鬆的喜劇,但是泰喜國 劇《大佬可以退貨嗎?》則指出,一個人的幼稚行為為會 身邊的人帶來破壞性的­影少。Jane(Urassaya

‘ Yaya’ Sperbund 飾的) 哥哥 Chut(Sunny Suwanmetha­nont 飾)性格幼,稚兩兄妹因此一直合不­來,經常為小事而爭。執 可是當 Jane 結識到心目中的白馬王­子(韓國男團 2PM 的 Nichkhun 飾, )時 Chut 卻忽然變成了對妹妹過­度關心的,兄長處處從中作梗要破­壞這段好姻緣。

《大佬可以退貨嗎?》開始時是一個歡喜冤家­式的,喜劇 對於 Chut 種種幼胡稚鬧的行為, Jane 均以極端的方式來對抗,例如用強力膠帶將馬桶­的座墊牢貼,令哥哥無將法它掀可兄­起。 是當 妹的對壘帶來嚴重後的 果,傷及兄間情妹之 的感 時,電影的主題就變得嚴肅­起來。

《大佬可以退貨嗎?》是泰國著名電影製作公­司 GDH的,出品 這家公司曾出品多部賣­座電,影 去括 年的《出特隊貓 攻。》這些電的影 特色是將通俗滑稽喜加­劇 上感人的文藝情節,成為屢試不爽的賣座公­式。雖然如此, Chut 與 Jane兩兄妹愛恨交­集的關係卻能引人共鳴,尤其是家裡有生活散、漫 不負責任的兄姐的,話應日別有一番感受。長大成人並非易事,不過《大佬可以退貨嗎?》令人相,信 成長的痛苦不會白費,定會令從你 中獲益。 FIND TAG IN MOVIE (WESTERN CINEMA) AND BROTHER OF THE YEAR IN MOVIE (ASIAN CINEMA) ON THE INTERACTIV­E MENU請於互動選單­影的電 (西方影觀院) 看《Tag》及(亞洲映畫)觀看《大佬以可退?貨嗎 》

 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Child’s play
Tag is about a decades- long game between five friends (left); Sunny Suwanmetha­nont plays an immature sibling in Brother of the Year (above)
Child’s play Tag is about a decades- long game between five friends (left); Sunny Suwanmetha­nont plays an immature sibling in Brother of the Year (above)
 ??  ?? 遊戲人間
《Tag》講述五名朋友之間一場­歷時數十年追的 逐遊戲(左圖) ; Sunny
遊戲人間 《Tag》講述五名朋友之間一場­歷時數十年追的 逐遊戲(左圖) ; Sunny Suwanmetha­nont於《大佬可以退貨嗎?》中飾演性格幼稚的兄長

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