


BRUCE LEE’S THE Way of the Dragon is my favourite film of all time. I revisit it whenever I’m free. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen it. But, when I was flying Cathay Pacific recently, I chose to watch it over any of the new blockbuste­rs or critical darlings that were showing.

I was very young when I watched The Way of the Dragon for the first time. My older brother, who was a huge Bruce Lee fan, took me to see it and brought me into Lee’s world. When the advert for the film was on TV during dinner, my entire family would stop and watch it. We didn’t even want to miss 30 seconds of it. That’s how crazy we were about it at the time.

Lee always conveyed positive messages in his films. He helped the weak; he was righteous; he had a real passion for martial arts and his technique was astounding. Unlike some martial arts stars today, Lee didn’t rely on editing and stunt doubles.

The scene many people remember is the fight between Lee and Chuck Norris (above). Lee was probably the first director to use slow-motion long takes in a fight scene; and his innovative filmmaking techniques are another reason this is such a classic.

The Way of the Dragon has had an effect on how I direct action scenes. It taught me to not add things that distract from the action. I also learned that realism was what makes a fight scene spectacula­r, so I began to reject flashy things in my action sequences. Wirework makes action look like it defies the laws of physics, so I don’t like to use it in my films.

Audiences today demand different things from martial arts films. They’re used to seeing explosions and destructio­n. A film with only punches and kicks won’t satisfy them anymore. I can’t imagine an action film that can surpass The Way of the

Dragon, but I think young people won’t get the same sense of excitement that people of my generation felt when they watch the film now.

李小龍的《猛龍過江》是我最喜歡的電影,只要有空就會重看,不斷回味,而我也不知道自己究竟­看過多少遍了,就連最近一次乘搭國泰­航空時,看著機上琳瑯滿目的電­影,結果還是選擇重溫《猛龍過江》;對我來說, 這是一部百看不厭的電­影。

我第一次看《猛龍過江》的時候年紀很小。哥哥是李小龍迷,是他帶我去看這部電影,從而帶領我進入李小龍­的世界。記得印象最深刻,是當年一家人在吃晚飯­時,若看見電視上播放《猛龍過江》的廣告,大家就會馬上停下來,聚精會神的觀賞,即使只是一個 30秒的廣告我們都不­願錯過,可見我們當時有多瘋狂!





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 ??  ?? OUR CRITIC: Oxide Pang, director of The Big Call ( playing onboard)選片人 :
OUR CRITIC: Oxide Pang, director of The Big Call ( playing onboard)選片人 : 彭順,《巨額來電》導演,影片本月於機上放映

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