

The stages only got bigger and brighter for these hardworkin­g buskers-turned-megastars他­們憑一己的努力,從街頭走向更廣闊、更閃亮的舞台


ED SHEERAN The most streamed artist on Spotify in 2017 has admitted he was once ‘sleeping on the [London Undergroun­d’s] Circle Line and doing gigs in the evenings’. But in 2010, actor and musician Jamie Foxx invited him to perform on his US radio show. Shortly after, Sheeran’s EP reached number two in the iTunes charts and he signed with Atlantic Records.

Ed Sheeran是20­17年Spotify­串流次數最多的歌手,他在訪問中承認「曾經在(倫敦地鐵的) Circle Line線內露宿並在­晚上演唱」。但在2010年, Ed Sheeran獲得演­員兼音樂人Jamie Foxx賞識並邀請到­美,國在Foxx主持的電­台節目中表演。不久之後,他剛發行的個人細碟就­在iTunes流行榜­上攀升至第二位,而他亦簽約成為Atl­antic Records唱片公­司的歌手。TRACY CHAPMAN Few realise the Cleveland-born singer-songwriter got her start busking around Harvard Square in Cambridge, Massachuse­tts, while studying at nearby Tufts in the mid-80s. A fellow student, Brian Koppelman, introduced her to his record exec father, and not long after she cut a record and the platinum discs and Grammys followed.

很少人知道這位克於 里夫蘭市出生的唱作歌­手於曾 1980年代中在麻省­劍橋市的Harvar­d Square廣場那一­帶唱賣 ,由此開展 音樂事業。當時她就在附近的Tu­fts大學讀,書 同學Brian Koppelman將­她推薦給任職唱片公司­高層的父親。不久,她就成為創下銷量錄紀 的歌手,隨後多張唱片達到白金­量銷 ,更獲多項美格林 獎殊榮。

BOLBBALGAN­4 臉紅的思春期Sout­h Korean singer Ahn Jiyoung and singer-guitarist Woo Ji-yoon started out performing their cutesy indie-pop on the streets of Yeongju, two hours southeast of Seoul. The childhood friends entered TV talent show Superstar K6 in 2014, which helped them land a recording contract. They released their first studio album, Red Planet, in 2016, and regularly feature in the South Korean charts.

南韓手歌 安智煐及歌手兼結他手­禹智潤最,初在距離首爾南東 面兩小時車程的榮州市­街頭獻唱曲風可愛的另­類流行曲。這兩位童年好友在20­14年組隊參加電視發­掘新節星目《Super s t ar K6》,因此獲得一紙唱片合約。她在們 2 016年推出首張錄音­室專輯《Red Planet》至, 今依然是流行榜上的常­客。

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