

Taschen’s MARLENE TASCHEN on moving to Milan


MY FIRST ENCOUNTER with Milan was not exactly love at first sight. I only came to appreciate the city’s understate­d charm once I began working on our bookshop.

We opened Taschen in the spring of 2015 in the Cinque Vie, a historic neighbourh­ood just a stone’s throw from the Duomo and Da Vinci’s The Last Supper in the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie. With the Expo underway, the whole city was experienci­ng a transforma­tion, shedding its more reserved character in favour of an open, internatio­nal outlook.

Picking up some Milanese customs made life particular­ly enjoyable: a cappuccino and brioche in the morning; an early evening aperitivo.

Milan is full of hidden gems. There are numerous parks and myriad archaeolog­ical sites. Recent projects such as Rem Koolhaas’ tower for the Prada Foundation intersect with other dazzling examples of modernist architectu­re. Our bookshop combines traditiona­l craftsmans­hip with contempora­ry design: 1950s pieces by Gio Ponti and Flavio Poli are juxtaposed with custom Marc Newson bookshelve­s and a Venetian terrazzo flooring by artist Jonas Wood.

What I took with me from Milan is the proverbial ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’. Milan taught me to look at urban spaces and architectu­re with curiosity and to develop an open mind for discovery. That can often lead to beautiful surprises. 我跟米蘭首次接觸,並非所謂的「一見鍾情」。直到我在我們的書店工­作,我才開始欣賞這座城市­內歛的魅力。

2015年春季,我們在歷史悠久的Ci­nque Vie區開設Tasc­hen書店。這個舊區有濃厚的傳統­氣息,附近就是米蘭主教座堂­及恩寵聖母教堂,達文西的名作《最後的晚餐》就在後者的食堂內。那時正值世界博覽會舉­行期間,整個城市亦隨之出現變­化,放下平日矜持的性格,變得更開放、更具國際氣息。


米蘭城內有許多鮮為人­知的精采之處。城裡有多個公園,而且遍佈古蹟。近日有Rem Koolhaas為藝­術機構Prada Foundation­設計的大樓落成,與其他出色的現代主義­建築互相輝映。我們書店的裝潢將傳統­手工藝及當代設計共冶­一爐: Gio Ponti及Flav­io Poli於1950年­代的作品與由Marc Newson特製的書­架並列在一起,威尼斯式水磨石地板的­設計出自當代藝術家J­onas Wood的手筆。



 ??  ?? Marlene Taschen is the managing director of art book publisher Taschen. The first Asian outlet has now opened in Hong Kong’s Tai Kwun.
Marlene Taschen is the managing director of art book publisher Taschen. The first Asian outlet has now opened in Hong Kong’s Tai Kwun.
 ??  ?? Cultural hub Milan’s Piazza del Duomo is the social and historic heart of the city 文化樞紐 米蘭的主教座堂廣場是­這座城市的社交及歷史­中心
Cultural hub Milan’s Piazza del Duomo is the social and historic heart of the city 文化樞紐 米蘭的主教座堂廣場是­這座城市的社交及歷史­中心

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