

These creative low- cost films are giving the blockbuste­rs a run for their money在創意與概­念上均勝過大製作的低­成本電影

- Alvin Lai is Cathay Pacific’s assistant manager, customer experience – entertainm­ent content

Making a lm can be an expensive propositio­n, with millions of dollars going into visuals that dazzle and entertain viewers. However, two lowbudget box o ce sensations onboard this month show that a good concept and a smart script are far more important than high funding.

Searching begins with a 10-minute montage showing the evolution of a family entirely through photos, videos, internet browser windows and digital calendars. Without using even a single line of dialogue, it’s one of the most moving – and economical – opening sequences since Pixar’s animated lm Up.

But director Aneesh Chaganty doesn’t move to a convention­al storytelli­ng format. The plot unfolds through digital interfaces. We rst see single father David (John Cho) communicat­ing with his teenage daughter, Margot, through text messages and video chats. When Margot goes missing, David’s only hope of nding her is by following her digital footprint.

Setting an entire lm on social media sites, video chats and news footage helped keep the budget down. But Chaganty, who developed and directed ads at Google Creative Lab, also portrays our inseparabl­e relationsh­ip with these technologi­es. The tale plays out like a traditiona­l mystery, but the inventive medium of the storytelli­ng heightens the suspense and grounds the story in reality because the tools of David’s investigat­ion are the same ones available at our own ngertips.

Meanwhile, made for only three million yen (HK$208,000), One Cut of the Dead was developed by writer-director Shinichiro Ueda with 12 aspiring actors at a drama school workshop. Like so many other lowbudget Japanese indie lms, it seemed destined to play at small arthouse cinemas before falling into obscurity.

Instead, it won over audiences at lm festivals worldwide. Celebritie­s took to social media to praise the lm. It went from showing in two small cinemas in Tokyo to hundreds of screens nationwide. Bringing in 2.7 billion yen (HK$191 million) in Japan, it’s become one of the most pro table lms ever made.

One Cut starts as a fairly convention­al zombie thriller, shot in a single 37-minute take that moves through an abandoned water treatment plant. Even if the audacious but sometimes shoddily conceived opening turns you o , be sure to sit through the rst set of credits to see the real lm.

You’ll nd that One Cut isn’t actually a zombie thriller. It’s a comedy about how this ultra low-budget zombie lm was put together by a desperate but passionate lm crew. Ueda may have been forced to cut corners during production, but his ode to indie lmmaking is so clever, hilarious and ultimately moving that you’ll want to rewatch the lm again immediatel­y after the real end credits roll. 拍 電影可以是一件非常昂­貴的活動,要拍出令觀眾歎為觀止­的視覺效果,往往要花上數百萬元。可是,本月機上放映的電影中,有兩部低成本製作,憑著出色的意念與精采­的劇本而成為賣座電影,可見創意比雄厚的資金­更重要。


導演 Aneesh Chaganty 並沒有運用傳統的敘事­手法,而是透過不同的數碼介­面來展開劇情。我們首先見到單親爸爸­David(John Cho 飾)透過文字訊息及視像對­話與十多歲的女兒Ma­rgot 溝通。之後Margot 失蹤, David 唯有透過她在網上各種­活動留下的痕跡來找尋­她的下落。

整部影片由社交媒體網­站、視像對話視窗及新聞片­段組成,以便降低製作成本。Chaganty 曾為 Google Creative Lab 創意實驗室構思及執導­廣告,他在本片中指出,我們與上述各種科技的­關係密不可分。本片可說是一般常見的­推理故事,但是新穎的說故事方式­卻加強了懸疑氣氛;而David搜尋女兒­的工具是我們隨時隨地­都在使用的東西,令故事極具真實感。

另一方面,日本編劇兼導演上田慎­一郎在一個戲劇學校舉­辦的工作坊內,找來12個有志從影的­演員,自任編導,以300 萬日元( 20.8萬港元)製作費拍成《屍殺片場》。日本有不少低成本獨立­電影,完成後只在小型藝術電­影院內上映,然後被人遺忘,這部電影似乎亦會遭受­同一命運。

可是,《屍殺片場》卻在全球各地的電影節­內贏得觀眾擊節讚賞,不少名人亦在社交媒體­上對本片大加讚揚。電影最初只在東京兩家­小型電影院內公映,後來變成在全國各地數­以百計的銀幕上放映,在日本獲得27億日元( 1.91億港元)的票房,成為歷來其中一部最賺­錢的電影。



 ??  ??
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 ??  ?? Cheap thrills John Cho plays a desperate father on the hunt in Searching (left); the besieged crew of zombie comedy One Cut of the Dead (above) 小成本、大刺激
John Cho在《人肉搜尋》飾演用盡一切方法尋找­愛女的父親(左圖);喜劇《屍殺片場》中被喪屍圍攻的攝製隊(上圖)
Cheap thrills John Cho plays a desperate father on the hunt in Searching (left); the besieged crew of zombie comedy One Cut of the Dead (above) 小成本、大刺激 John Cho在《人肉搜尋》飾演用盡一切方法尋找­愛女的父親(左圖);喜劇《屍殺片場》中被喪屍圍攻的攝製隊(上圖)

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