



by my dad on a macho movie diet of samurai and wuxia films, I was immune to female- centric weepies – until Crying Out Love, in the Center of the World came along.

I was living in Japan in 2004 when my friends dragged me to see this new hit that had attracted over six million viewers. Directed by Isao Yukisada, it was advertised as a hanky-soaking experience.

The film segues from present to past and back, as Tokyo salaryman Saku ( Takao Ozawa) returns to his hometown in Shikoku and becomes overwhelme­d with memories of his first love, Aki (Masami Nagasawa). Their courtship, set in Ehime prefecture and painted in a sun-kissed palette, not only fuels 1980s nostalgia but evokes an age of innocence.

Few nations’ artists beautify death and glorify youth with such aesthetic finesse as the Japanese. That spirit runs deep in Crying, which is dotted with scenes and metaphors evoking this feeling. The young lovers – with teenage Saku played by Mirai Moriyama – are at one point marooned on an island and find refuge in an abandoned hotel that looks like the Garden of Eden. When Aki spreads her arms on the edge of a cliff, the ecstasy (and impending doom) is akin to Jack and Rose at the prow of the Titanic.

Even as tragedy closes in on the protagonis­ts, a bitterswee­t tone prevails thanks to Nagasawa’s angelic serenity and Moriyama’s gawky charm. I kept my composure throughout their struggles, but when a secret about Saku’s fiancée (Kou Shibasaki) is revealed, the irony of fate hit with such force that my tear ducts surrendere­d.

Crying’s nostalgic view of first love is the epitome of Japanese cinema’s take on the ‘pure love’ genre, and also recalls Shunji Iwai’s ’90s classic Love Letter. That’s not surprising, considerin­g that Yukisada was Iwai’s protégé and worked as assistant director on that timeless romance.



故事穿梭於現在與過去­的時空,講述東京薪水族朔太郎(大澤隆夫飾)回到家 鄉四國探親時,觸動回憶,想起了少年時代的初戀­情人亞紀(長澤雅美飾)。兩人的戀情在一片陽光­明媚的愛媛縣展開,不但勾起對1980年­代的懷舊感覺,同時也喚回純真年代的­記憶。

日本藝術家擅長美化死­亡和歌頌青春,技巧登峰造極,很少民族能望其項背。《在世界中心呼喚愛》亦承襲了這種精神,影片中出現不少令人聯­想到死亡和青春的場面­和隱喻。少年時代的朔太郎(森山未來飾)與亞紀這對小情人曾被­困海島上,棲身於看來有如伊甸園­的荒廢酒店內。當亞紀站在山崖邊緣上­張開雙臂時,那分狂喜的情緒(以及隨後不久發生的慘­劇),就跟 Jack 與Rose站在鐵達尼­號船首的場面十分相似。


《在世界中心呼喚愛》是日本電影中典型的「純愛」類型片,洋溢對初戀的不捨情懷,不禁令人想起岩井俊二­1990 年代的浪漫經典之作《情書》。我對此一點也不感到意­外,因為行定勳是岩井俊二­的門生,曾擔任過《情書》的副導演。

OUR CRITIC: Maggie Lee, f ilm critic for Variety and artistic director of CinemAsia

選片人 :

李詩才,《Variety》影評人及CinemA­sia 電影節藝術總監

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