

裝飾藝術:歷久不衰的建築與設計­風格 Art deco: the architectu­ral and design style they couldn’t kill


Art deco hotels are back: bigger and bolder than ever

ART DECO FLOURISHED alongside the rise of modernism in the first decades of the 20th century, reaching its apogee as the house style of the Gatsby generation. That most glamorous era was also the golden age of hotels, as affluent Europeans and Americans travelled and partied like there was no tomorrow. (For many of that First World War generation there hadn’t been one.)

The art deco designers supplied the props and the backdrop: mirror-topped tables, cocktail shakers, geometric concrete palaces, bold typography.

Depression and another war stamped the movement out until its resurrecti­on in the mid-70s thanks to a film version of, guess what, The Great Gatsby – that, and an escape from a world sinking under faded denim.

By the time of the next Great Gatsby film (2013) we were ready for another go at the shiny black and copper panels, the sweeping staircases and curvy walls.

Our tour of art deco hotels could just stick to one small American enclave: Miami Beach. That’s where you go if you want to drown in deco. But Miami is an act of preservati­on. Elsewhere, they’re not only revering art deco – they’re changing it, uprooting it, playing with it.


The city seemed a lot duller without the American Bar and Savoy Grill. But after the hotel’s three-year refurbishm­ent they returned in 2010, more deco-tastic than ever. The American is still where you go to impress; but the Beaufort Bar, on the site of the old cabaret stage, is deco at its most decadent. New owners Fairmont have also shown some much-overdue love to the venerable Simpson’s In The Strand: cosy and clubby as ever, just without the rather stale odour of overcooked beef and male privilege that used to hang over the place.

The general manager who made

The Savoy’s name was one César Ritz (who went on to start his own rather famous hotels). But if you want to know where the era of deco glam began, uprooting the florals and swirls of art nouveau, slamming the door on Edwardian stuffiness, it’s here.

20世紀初,飾裝 藝術隨著現代主義興起,全盛時期更成為說小 《大亨小傳》那個紙醉金迷年代的主­流風格。當時亦正值酒店業的黃­金歲月,歐美的富階裕 層周遊列國,到處尋歡作樂,實行今朝有酒今朝醉。對這些生於第一次世界­大戰一代的人而言,的他們確沒有明天。

裝飾藝術設計師為這個­年代提供華麗的道具和­佈景:鏡面餐桌、雞尾酒調酒器、以幾何形狀、設計 氣派堂皇有如宮殿的混­凝土建築,以及風格創新大膽的版­排 及字形設計。

隨著經濟條大蕭 出現及另一場界世 大 戰爆,飾發 裝 藝術一度沉寂,直至1970年代中期,《大亨小傳改》被 編成電影搬上大銀,幕 加上人們也希望逃避被­褪色牛仔褲熱潮淹沒的,困局遂使這股美學風潮­得以復。興


若要好好欣賞裝飾藝術­風格的精髓,只需前往美國邁阿密海­灘閒逛一回即可。不過當地只是將裝飾藝­術完好保存,至於其他地方,除了保存存種藝術風格­的本來面目之外,更將之改換,頭 面甚至連根拔起,或加他入其 新元素。


沒有了America­n Bar酒吧及Savo­y Grill餐廳,這個城市頓然變得黯然­失;色 幸好酒店經過三年翻新­工程後,於2010年重新開業,而且裝飾藝術風格有增­無減。American Bar酒吧仍然是你盡­展魅的力 地方,但位於歌舞廳舞台原來­位置的Beaufor­t Bar酒吧才最能表現­裝飾藝術堂皇奢靡的精­髓。新業主費爾蒙對其姊妹­餐廳Simpson’s In The Strand的風韻依­依不捨,因此這間老方經典食府­保留以往舒適皇堂 的環境,只是少了煮過頭的扒牛 發出的難聞氣味,而男士昔日享有的特權­亦已取消。

令The Savoy揚名立萬的­總經理César Ritz後來自立門戶,開創了另一名聞遐邇的­酒店品牌。但要追尋裝飾藝術的源­頭,只要將新藝術的花卉和­漩渦圖案拋開捨,再棄愛德華時代的古板­風格,找。你就 到了


No style says ‘glamour’ more loudly than art deco, and no resort says ‘decadence’ less apologetic­ally than the southern French resort of Cannes. Put them together and you get the Hôtel Martinez.

Except that for decades this was a fussy imitation of its glory days – though the Martinez bar still hosted legendary sessions during the film and advertisin­g festivals. Then, last year, its latest managers, Hyatt, unveiled a loving, deco-focused renovation. The very logo and typeface transport you back to the swinging inter-war Riviera years. The rooms are swish as a classic ocean liner and the bar is – the bar.


裝飾藝術風格散發的魅­力無與倫比,法而國南部康城這個度­假勝地的享受則可謂極­盡奢靡,要兩者兼得,必定要到Hôtel Martinez酒店­不可。

雖然酒店的Marti­nez Bar酒吧現仍在康城­電影節和廣告節舉行期­間,舉行星光熠熠的盛會,然而過去數十年來,這裡靠的是刻意模仿其­輝煌年代的面貌作招徠­去。年,凱悅成為酒店的最新經­營,者 將酒店換上裝飾藝術風­格,單誌是標 及使用的字體,就將你帶回法國蔚藍海­岸在兩次世界大戰之間­浮的 華歲月。客房有如傳統遠洋郵輪­般華麗,至於酒吧則風采依然。


Amid the big-brand hotels that dominate San Francisco’s financial district, this boutique gem is discreetly tucked into an eight-storey art deco building. It was built in 1911, replacing two grandes dames – Occidental Hotel and Lick House – destroyed in the 1906 earthquake and fire.

In the prohibitio­n era of the 1920s, the site was home to a lavish speakeasy.

The hotel underwent extensive renovation­s last year, unveiling an aesthetic that references its glamorous past with details like a marble entryway and outsized faux-antique mirrors. Throughout the property, eclectic light fixtures and bright pops of colour keep the mood elevated, satisfying designmind­ed guests who appreciate a bit of history and lots of character. The lightfille­d lobby atrium features a dramatic swirling fireplace, and from here a century-old staircase with a decorative iron balustrade leads up to a mezzanine, while a roof garden looks onto the striking architectu­re of neighbouri­ng buildings: gothic, art nouveau, renaissanc­e, baroque.


在三藩市金融區各大名­牌酒店當中,有一間小巧的別緻 精品酒店,隱身於一幢樓高八層的­飾裝 藝術風格大樓內。這幢建築

物建於1911年用, 以代於取 毀 1906年地的震和火­災中的兩家豪華酒店O­ccidental Hotel和Lick House。

1920年代,美國實行禁酒令,這裡曾是出售私酒的豪­華地下酒吧。酒店去年全面翻新,於入口鋪上雲板石地 ,並裝嵌特大的仿古銅,鏡 設計美學見證了昔輝日­的。煌 酒店內的飾燈 造型各異,繽紛奪目的色調令人心­情快愉。講究設計而有意了解背­後歷史、細賞建築韻味的客人,必定 大感滿意。

燈火通明的大堂中庭擺­放了火光熊熊的,壁爐 令注人 目,而通往閣的梯樓 樓 已有上百年歷史,兩側綴上花紋鐵欄。台天花園飽四可 覽 周歌德式、新藝術、復文藝興及巴洛克風格­的,建築 令你目不暇給。


The skyline changes fast. This is Shanghai – no skyline changes faster. But there’s one constant: the 1920s riverside frontages of The Bund. Prominent among them is a 10-storey building with a distinctiv­e pyramid-shaped green roof. It was opened as the Cathay Hotel by the businessma­n Victor Sassoon in 1929, at the height of the art deco craze. Its fortunes followed the city’s turbulent history until it was restored and reopened by Fairmont in 2010. As well as staying true to its art deco exterior and interior, the hotel is filled with the sounds of jazz and clinking glasses – almost as if the past 90 years hadn’t happened.


上海的面貌日新月異,變化之大令人歎為觀止,唯有上海外的灘 河畔景由致 1920年代至今並無­重大變。遷 其中一幢樓高十層、有綠色三角樓頂的建築­物顯得格外出眾。1929年正值裝飾藝­術風靡的,時期 商人Victor Sassoon於黃埔­灘頭開設華懋飯店;的飯店 命運隨著滬市經歷多番­歷史轉折,直至2010年,費爾蒙將飯店翻新重開。酒店的室內外潢裝 均忠於原來的飾裝 藝術風格,爵而且 士樂優美的旋律與觥籌­交錯之聲不絕於彷耳,把彿 90年前的繁華時光凝­住。

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