


THE FIRST TIME I saw Duckweed was during Chinese New Year, when I was in my hometown, Qingdao. It’s a comedy about a profession­al rally driver who magically travels back in time and befriends the younger version of his father. I watched it with my family at a sold- out show and I can still recall how much the audience laughed.

I am friends with Han Han, the prominent novelist who directed the film. We’d often get together and chat about movies. When I saw Duckweed, I was amazed and surprised that a novelist could be so adept at film language and have such a good grasp of pacing. The film is hilarious and brilliantl­y conceived, with vivid characters that are well fleshed out. It’s an advanced piece of filmmaking. To be honest, it made me quite jealous.

Another reason I like it is that Han included music and clips from John Woo’s 1986 classic A Better Tomorrow, of which I’m a huge fan. When I told him I was remaking the film, he said one thing: ‘ There are only two people in this world who can make this film: one is me, and the other is you.’

That’s why I asked Han to do a cameo in A Better Tomorrow 2018. In that scene, Ray Ma, who plays a police officer, commandeer­s a car and pulls the driver out. The driver, played by Han, offers to take the wheel, but the officer says, ‘No way, because you have terrible driving skills.’ Everyone knows that Han is also a profession­al rally driver in real life, so I added that line as an inside joke.


我跟這部電影的導演韓­寒是好朋友, 我們經常一起聊一些關­於電影的事。他是個很有才華的導演­和小說家,我非常欣賞他。我看這部電影時,有種驚艷的感覺;我完全沒有想到,一個作家能夠如此嫻熟­地掌握電影語言和節奏。整部電影有很多幽默惹­笑的場面,情節設計精采,裡面的人物性格鮮明,有血有肉。我認為這是一部很高明­很出色的電影,我很妒忌他。



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