

Sharp Objects is a masterfull­y told tale of murder and personal demons. By KEVIN MA



AT THE END of Sharp Objects’ fourth episode, a surprising revelation brings three characters (and three different pieces of music) clashing together in a rapid montage. It’s one of the most impressive­ly edited sequences I’ve seen in a TV show, but it’s only one of the many signs of brillance sprinkled throughout HBO’s new one-season wonder.

Since the successful movie adaptation of her novel Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn has become one of the hottest screenwrit­ers in Hollywood. Flynn’s first foray into TV is an adaptation of her first published novel, a dark tale of a journalist who’s forced to face her demons and her cold, controllin­g mother while investigat­ing a series of murders in her hometown of Wind Gap, Missouri.

The project has prestige written all over it: five-time Oscar nominee Amy Adams leads the cast as journalist Camille Preaker; it’s co- produced by Jason Blum, whose Blumhouse Production­s is behind successful genre films such as Get Out, Split and the new Halloween sequel; and all eight episodes are directed by JeanMarc Vallée, who won an Emmy for HBO’s Big Little Lies. Flynn wrote or co-wrote three of the episodes.

Despite reportedly butting heads with showrunner Marti Noxon for trying to cut dialogue in favour of visuals, Vallée brings the screenplay’s southern wit and psychologi­cal terror to life with a balance of grace and grit. Vallée doesn’t shy away from the darkest elements of the story – including the heroine’s habit of selfmutila­tion – but the series handles such issues sensitivel­y. The director’s insistence on filming the entire show himself gives it a singular vision, paving the way for impressive sequences like the montage in episode four. Sharp Objects is a grim and unusual slow burn that requires patience, but it’s hard to shake it off once you’re hooked.


作家 Gillian Flynn自從以《失蹤罪》的原著小說一炮而紅後,成為荷李活大紅大紫的­編劇。她首次進軍電視界,將自己第一本面世的小­說改編;這個陰暗的故事講述一­名記者為了調查連環謀­殺案,回到位於密蘇里州的家­鄉 Wind Gap鎮,被迫面對自己的心魔,以及控制欲特別強烈及­冷酷的母親。

本劇網羅多位台前幕後­的精英:由獲得五次奧斯卡提名­的Amy Adams 飾演劇中的女記者 Camille Preaker;Jason Blum擔任聯合監製,他的製片公司 Blumhouse Production­s曾拍過多部成功的類­型電影,如《訪.嚇》、《思.裂》及最新一部《月光光心慌慌》系列電影。本劇共八集,全部均由曾以HBO劇­集《小謊言》贏得艾美獎的Jean-Marc Vallée 擔任導演, Flynn則撰寫及聯­合撰寫了其中三集劇本。

儘管一度傳出 Vallée 要求刪減對白以提高視­覺效果,因而與節目統籌 Marti Noxon 發生爭執,但 Vallée 仍以從容而堅定的態度,充分呈現了劇本內的南­方幽默及心理恐懼。Vallée 並不迴避故事中的黑暗­元素,括女主角的自殘傾向,以細膩手法處理敏感的­題材。導演堅持由他一人獨力­執導這套劇集,使全劇一氣呵成,鋪陳出一段又一段令人­印象深刻的片段,如第四集結束時的蒙太­奇。《利器》故事陰森,劇情醞釀緩慢,必須以耐性細細咀嚼,但當你一旦被故事吸引,就會欲罷不能。

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