


The best Chinese New Year celebratio­ns in town and more

CYMBAL-CRASHING IN the streets; fragrant plumes of joss stick smoke; red lai see packets and oranges everywhere you look? Yep, it must be Chinese New Year. In 2019, we welcome the Year of the Pig and, according to the almanacs, it’s set to be a year of joy and prosperity for all.

Don’t miss the annual Cathay Pacific Chinese New Year Night Parade (1),

bringing colourful floats, marching bands, lion dancing and more to the streets of Tsim Sha Tsui on 5 February. The following evening, get down to Victoria Harbour (2)

to enjoy the fireworks at 8pm. Elsewhere, join the annual pilgrimage to Lam Tsuen in the New Territorie­s for the Well-Wishing Festival: write your wish down, tie it to an orange and toss it into the branches of a replica banyan.

For Hongkonger­s, no Chinese New Year is complete without a feast. Try newly revamped Peking Garden (3)

in Tsim Sha Tsui for harbour views and imperial Beijing cuisine like succulent Peking duck. In Wan Chai, fight the cool weather with a chilli and peppercorn banquet at newly opened Sichuan Lab, or pig out on barbecued meat at Hong Kong’s first American smokehouse Mr Brown. For high- end tastes, FrenchJapa­nese hybrid Lumi (4) in Pacific Place has a new winter menu studded with standouts such as Kobe beef and a wellappoin­ted afternoon tea.

After dinner, hop on adrenaline-spiking rides at the AIA Carnival (until 17 February) at Central Harbourfro­nt. Or check out the Hong Kong Arts Festival’s

programme of music, opera, drama and dance, which includes performanc­es by Marin Alsop with the São Paulo Symphony Orchestra (5) (21-22 February) and Taiwan’s Cloud Gate Dance Theatre (21-24 February) – a blend of ballet, martial arts and calligraph­y. Meanwhile, Hong Kong Ballet channels the roaring ’20s with The Great Gatsby (6) (15-17 February at the Academy for Performing Arts).


千萬不要錯過25月 日大年初一在尖沙咀街­頭舉行的國泰航空新春­國際匯演之夜( 1),屆時可以欣賞設計繽紛­多姿的花車、銀樂隊、舞獅等多項精采表演,感受熱鬧的氣氛。翌日晚上8時正,維多利亞港 (2)上空舉行煙花匯演。此外,每年亦有不少人前往新­界林村參加許願節,在許願樹前拋擲寶牒祈­福。在寶牒上寫下你的 願望,然後把寶牒綁在一個橙­上,再將它拋向仿真榕樹的­樹枝上就大功告成了。


(3),一邊欣賞維港景致,一邊品嚐皮脆肉嫩的北­京填鴨等傳統京菜。若想驅寒暖胃,就要往灣仔的Sich­uan Lab來一頓麻辣燙兼­備的美食;或者到香港首間擁有美­式熏製爐的餐廳Mr



如果喜歡尋求刺激,就要到中環海濱參加A­IA歐陸嘉年華(即日起至2月17日),那裡的機動遊戲定能令­你腎上腺素急升。若你愛好文藝活動,香港藝術節帶來令人目­不暇給的音樂、歌劇、戲劇及舞蹈節目,括瑪琳.艾爾梭與聖保羅交響樂­團(5)( 2月及21 22日)及台灣的雲門舞集(月2 21至24日)的演出,後者將芭蕾舞、武術及書法等元素共冶­一爐。同時,香港芭蕾舞團於2月1­5至17日在香港演藝­學院演出《大亨小傳》(6),以舞蹈重現美國咆哮的­1920年代。

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