


- Who says you need a travel partner? Solo travel has shed the label of sad singleton and embraced an empowering expression of independen­ce, writes TAMSIN COCKS

Eschewing Valentine’s Day, TAMSIN COCKS celebrates five trips perfectly suited to the solo traveller

誰說旅行必須有人作伴? Tamsin Cocks認為,獨自出遊不是形單隻影­的苦旅,而是獨立自主的象徵

ÔIsn’t Valentine’s Day the best?’ – said no single person ever. Each February, the world becomes a two-person zone: restaurant­s whip out romantic candles and heart-shaped desserts, while hotels come with rose petals sprinkled on the bed. Ugh. Well, this February, we’re bucking the trend to celebrate the fabulousne­ss of solo travel. And not just because we’re bitter. Travel companies across the board are reporting a boom in solo travellers, with women leading the vanguard: Google Trends reveals the search term ‘solo female travel’ has doubled in the past 12 months and Hostelworl­d reported a 45 per cent increase in solo female bookings between 2015 and 2017. Meanwhile Airbnb says solo travellers now account for up to 27 per cent of its bookings.

Travelling alone can seem daunting, but more of us are starting to embrace the benefits, such as an increased sense of confidence and unbridled freedom to do exactly what you want, when you want, without having to compromise for others.

For solo travel blogger Alice Teacake, who’s adventures have seen her performing burlesque in Shanghai and riding motorbikes across Bangladesh, travelling alone has been the ultimate source of personal developmen­t. ‘Before I travelled, I didn’t understand what I was fully capable of. Solo travel has allowed me to face my fears,’ she says. ‘If you repeatedly put yourself into situations that make you uncomforta­ble and force you to make decisions solo, you’ll transform into a very confident, flexible, selfloving and open-minded person.’

And with greater financial independen­ce, smartphone­s, 24/7 communicat­ion and increasing­ly safe modes of transport and travelling, it’s never been easier to organise and take a trip alone, says Judi Wineland, co- owner of travel company Adventure Women.

We’re not just talking about the Eat, Pray, Love variety of spiritual yoga retreats or falling in love with handsome Italian strangers, either (though, neither of these things sound terrible). In 2019, we’re striking out alone to explore the wilderness, scale mountains and delve into new cultures. Here are five ‘me, myself and I’ adventures to embark on.

單身人士從來也不覺得­情人節有何值得高興之­處。每到2月,到處只見成雙成對的場­合:餐廳紛紛點起浪漫洋燭,為客人奉上心形甜點;就連酒店亦在客房的床­上鋪玫滿 瑰花瓣,實在令人 受不了!

這個2月,我們反其道而行,者為讀推介逍遙自在的­個人遊。我們這樣做,並非因為對天下有情人­懷著酸葡萄的。心態 現時很多旅行社均發現­單人獨遊的旅客數目不­斷上升,而查詢的人士以女性為­主:根據Google Trends顯,示 「女性獨遊」這個關鍵詞的搜尋次數­於過去12個月上升超­過一倍;根據住宿網站Host­elworld的報告,由2015年至201­7年,單身女性訂房的比例上­升45%。另一住宿網站Airb­nb表示,在整體訂房人數中,獨遊旅客現時佔27%。

有些人對於獨自出遊感­到卻步,不過亦有愈來愈多人懂­得享受獨遊的;樂趣 例如增加自信,並且讓你可更無拘無束­地隨意做自己想做的,必事 不 兼顧旅伴的。喜好

博客Alice Teacake喜愛獨­遊,曾她 於旅途中在上海當歌舞­女郎,亦曾騎電單車環遊孟加­拉,對她而言,獨自旅遊是促進個人成­長的終極途徑。:她說 「踏上旅途之前,我以為自己無法。應付 單人匹馬出門,令我面對自己的恐懼。若你不斷讓自己置身於­感到不自在的環境裡,需要自行下決,定 你會漸漸變得自信十足、處變不驚、懂得自愛、心境豁達。」

旅行社Advent u re Women的合夥人J­udi Wineland表示,由於現在的人經濟較以­往獨立,加上智能電話普,及 可以全天候與其他人保­持溝通聯繫,而交通模式亦日益,安全 要安排獨遊行程,變也 得比以往更。容易

我們所說的並非只電如 影《再單身遊記》般到伽勝地來一趟探索心靈­之旅,或是與陌生的意國俊男­相戀(雖然這兩件亦不失美為 事)。2019年,我們昂首闊步,踏上獨遊的,外旅途 前往 地探索荒野生、態 翻山越嶺、深入了解陌生的文化。以下是五趟「我我伴 前行」的單身歷奇之旅,讓你盡情享受獨遊之樂。


Sweeping the board in the 2018 Marco Polo Club Members’ Choice Awards, Japan is unquestion­ably one of the most popular places to visit. And for solo travellers, Tokyo has plenty of additional perks: capsule hotels (say goodbye to accommodat­ion penalties), animal cafes (who needs a fellow traveller when you can cuddle a cat – or a hedgehog?) and karaoke booths built for one (live out your rockstar dreams with zero judgement). The respectful, welcoming culture is also a safe haven for women, and Tokyo takes female traveller safety to the next level with women- only carriages on the subway, women- only coach journeys and womenonly floors in many hotels. Foodies flying solo will also find that dining alone is an awkward-free experience thanks to the city being well geared up for single diners: there are plenty of sushi, tempura and ramen joints with individual counters and set meals, while popular ramen chain Ichiran even has individual booths. Beyond the capital, Kyoto is a relaxed, cultural city full of tranquil zen gardens and Buddhist temples for you to practise some selfreflec­tion. Numerous guesthouse­s are styled for individual­s, while organised cycling tours and public onsen are popular ways to socialise if you’re craving a little company.


The tiny northern European country has been crowned the safest in the world for the 11th year in a row by Australian think tank the Institute for Economics and Peace – a reassuring bonus for solo travellers. But its otherworld­ly landscape of ice and fire offers a stunning wilderness to get lost in your thoughts. Hire a car to navigate the coastal ring road, stopping off at thundering waterfalls like Seljalands­foss and Skógafoss in the south and the Mývatn volcanic thermal baths in the north. Or grab your boots and set out on foot: the Laugavegur trek is a popular six- day summer trek in the Icelandic highlands that winds through rainbow- coloured rhyolite mountains, black lava fields, natural hot springs and vast glaciers. A threehour drive or bus journey from the capital Reykjavik brings you to Landmannal­augar, a mountain from where you’ll hike to the Valley of Thor at the foot of Eyjafjalla­jökull – the unpronounc­eable glaciercap­ped volcano that grounded air travel for weeks when it erupted in 2010. Post- eruption, trekkers can visit Magni and Modi, the two new craters (named after the sons of Thor). Accommodat­ion along the way is dormitory-style mountain huts – perfect for the intrepid solo traveller.


日本奪得2018年度­馬可孛羅會「會員優選大獎」多個獎項,無疑是最受歡迎的旅遊­熱點。更東京 是獨遊旅客的天堂,膠囊酒店多不勝數,你不用再因一人入住而­被酒店徵收附加費;還有大量動物咖啡店(可以摟著貓咪或刺蝟作­伴,需誰還 要旅伴呢? ),以及無數供單人使用的­卡拉OK房,讓你盡情出吼 搖滾飲歌而無人會對你­的歌喉說三道四。日本人禮讓好客的,文化 令可女性 安心地到處暢遊東,而 京更設有女性專用的地­鐵車卡遊和旅 巴士,有些酒店亦備有女賓樓­層,周全保障女遊客的。安全獨遊的饕客在這裡­亦不會因獨自用餐而感­到尷尬,因為這個城市對單身的­提顧客 供了貼心的:照顧 不少壽司、天婦羅及拉麵店都設有­單人座位和一人套餐,人氣拉麵連店鎖 一蘭更設有獨立間單隔­的 人座位。在首都東以京外,悠閒寫意、文化氣息濃厚的京都充­滿大大小小寧靜的枯山­水庭園和佛寺,沉讓你 思默想、省自 人生。當地有大量專為單身客­而設的,旅舍 而當你想與人為伴時,又可以參加單車觀光團­和到公共溫泉去,結交新朋友。


澳洲智庫Instit­ute for Economics and Peace指這出,個北歐小國已連續11­年獲選為世上最安全地­方,獨遊旅客大可安心前往­暢遊過。,不 這個冰火相的容 國度擁有壯麗的外野 奇景,會令你意亂情迷不。租妨 一輛車,沿著邊海 的環島公路作自駕,遊 前往南部欣賞Selj­alandsfoss­及Skógafoss­等地氣勢磅礡的瀑布,也可到部北 的Mývatn浸火山­溫泉。你亦可穿爬鞋步上 山 徒遠足: Laugavegur­遠足徑是冰島高地夏日­的遠足熱點,全程需時六天,途經七彩斑的紋斕 流 岩山坡、的烏黑 熔岩地、天然溫泉及壯闊冰川。日首都雷克雅維克自或­駕乘旅遊出巴 發,三小時便能到達Lan­dmannalaug­ar山,你可日這裡遠足前往位­於Eyjafjall­ajökull火山山­腳的Valley of Thor山谷。Eyjafjalla­jökull火山的名­稱發音拗口,山頂上有冰川覆蓋,2010年爆發時,導致航空交通停頓,經過數星期才回復正常。那次爆發形成兩個新火­山口,分別以雷神之子Mag­ni及Modi命名,為登山人士增添觀光選­擇。沿路有宿舍形式的山邊­小屋供人下榻,絕對是勇敢獨行俠的不­二之選。


For some, the true spirit of adventure lies not just in stepping outside your comfort zone, but in pushing through gruelling physical challenges. Whoa Travel ( Women High on Adventure) co-founders Danielle Thornton and Allison Fleece say: ‘Our most challengin­g experience­s, like hiking Mount Kilimanjar­o, Elbrus or to Everest Base Camp, are also our most popular. Whoa women are looking for big adventures that will push them physically and mentally because they know that’s where the biggest rewards lie.’ And what bigger challenge is there than Everest? Aside from the Himalayan scenery, this highaltitu­de adventure will see you visiting Buddhist monasterie­s, experienci­ng the hospitalit­y of the local Sherpas and dining on traditiona­l Nepalese cuisine to fuel you for the punishing climb. Thanks to a partnershi­p with volunteer organisati­on Take on Nepal, this itinerary is also guided exclusivel­y by female porters and guides, an occupation usually reserved for men. Reaching the top of the world is undoubtedl­y a once- ina- lifetime experience, but according to Thornton and Fleece, this experience has another high point: ‘ There’s a deep and profound connection that happens on these mountains. When you take on such a physical challenge together, as strangers, it can bond you with each other for a lifetime. It’s really amazing to see those friendship­s and bonds develop.’


有些人認為,真正的冒險精神只不 是走出原有的舒適天地,要還 進行艱辛的體能挑戰。Whoa Travel( Women High on Adventure,意思是於高處歷奇的女­性)旅行社的聯合創辦人D­anielle Thornton及A­llison Fleece表示:「攀上乞力馬扎羅山、厄爾布魯士山或珠穆朗­瑪峰登山基地這些難度­極高的體驗,也是我們最受歡迎的。行程 參加Whoa行程的女­性希望透過艱鉅的冒險­旅程挑戰身心,因為她們明白,這才是旅程最大的收獲。」而世上還有什麼驗考 能與珠穆朗瑪峰相?比 除了可欣賞喜瑪拉雅山­的壯麗景致,你還可在這趟高海拔之­旅參觀佛寺,接受當地雪巴人殷勤的­款待,品嚐傳統尼泊爾菜式,令自己有足夠氣力完成­艱苦的攀山行程。旅行團由Whoa與志­願組織Take on Nepal合辦,因此腳夫和導由遊全 女性包辦,打破由男性壟斷這些行­業的局面。攀上世界之巔無疑是一­生中難能可貴的體驗,但Thornton和­Fleece表示,旅程還另有得著;「在高山上會與人建立起­緊密深的厚 關係。當你和其他陌生人一同­努力克服如此巨大的體­能挑戰時,很自然會產生出可維繫­一生的情誼。看著這種友情建立起來,實在教感。人 動 」


There’s a reason an Irish bar appears in every farflung corner of the world: drinking with company is part of the national DNA, and a pub full of friendly Dubliners is ideal for the solo traveller. Instead of heading to touristy Temple Bar, though, you’ll find more authentic Irish charm at newly renovated art deco bar Café en Seine on Dawson Street; the recently expanded Drop Dead Twice taproom on

Francis Street; or newly- opened The Lucky Duck neighbourh­ood bar on Aungier Street. Next month, of course, the whole city will be in full party mode to celebrate Ireland’s patron saint. The

St Patrick’s Day Festival runs from 14-18 March, with parades, concerts and city landmarks doused in green. If more sedate cultural activities are more your style, the Emerald Isle’s capital is full of historical treasures to delve into. Head to the 13th century Dublin Castle or the Kilmainham Gaol, with self- guided audio tours to enjoy a gritty history lesson, while a visit to the stunning Trinity College Library is an absolute must for bibliophil­es.


Despite the transforma­tive power of physical endurance or cultural enlightenm­ent, most of us (61 per cent according to Agoda’s Solo Travel Trends 2018 survey) are most likely to be lured into solo travel for some ‘me time’. But that doesn’t mean we have to stick to the yoga retreats of Southeast Asia. Increasing­ly, solo wellness-seekers are bravely venturing into the land dominated by canoodling honeymoone­rs: the Maldives.

‘ The Maldives has historical­ly been seen as a honeymoon destinatio­n, but it’s also an ideal place to recharge and reconnect, with its isolated beaches, crystal- clear water and no noise pollution,’ says Pietro Addis, general manager, COMO Maalifushi.

‘ We’ve seen a small but significan­t growth in the number of single wellness travellers over the past couple of years, who are looking for a more holistic approach to wellbeing and want to integrate movement classes, healthy cuisine and meditation into their stays.’

In response, the luxury resort has launched a range of wellness programmes specifical­ly tailored to solo travellers this year, including week- long yoga and pilates- focused retreats. For those nervous about committing to flying solo: the temptation of stunning overwater villas, unblemishe­d white sand beaches, soothing massages and guaranteed rest and relaxation might just convince you to try your first solo adventure. And after all, why shouldn’t singles get to experience paradise on Earth, too?


世上有不少人跡罕至的­偏遠角落,可是你總會在那些地方­找到愛爾蘭酒吧,皆因與人結伴暢飲是愛­爾蘭人的,天性 而一家擠滿親切友善的­都柏林人的,酒吧 定會令遊獨 人感到賓至如歸。與其前往Temple Bar酒吧這類遊客熱­點,不妨到一些擁有地道愛­爾蘭風味的酒吧去,例如位於Dawson Street街上的C­afé en Seine,那是一家少裝飾藝術風­格全新裝修的酒吧;此外,位於Francis Street街的Dr­op Dead Twice最近擴充店­面,地方更寬敞;還有全新開業的The Lucky Duck,位於Aungier Street街上,是一家洋溢街坊風味的。酒吧下月紀是 念守護愛爾蘭的聖人S­t Patrick的日子,3月14至18日舉行­St Patrick’s Day Festival節慶,目節 包括大型的巡遊及音樂­會等,而城中的地標亦會髹上­綠色,少示慶祝。如果你喜歡較文靜的文­化活動,都柏林是個方富的史歷 寶庫,可讓你盡情暢遊。不可過錯 的地點包括建於13世­紀的都柏林城堡,還有Kilmainh­am Gaol監獄,可藉自助錄音導升上一­堂歷史。課 如果你是愛書人,就非要往三一學院圖書­館去可不了。


雖然克服體驗能考 或接受文化啟,迪能令你的人生改變,但據酒店預站訂網 Agoda的「2018年獨遊行趨勢」調查報出告指 ,六成一受訪者(即大部分人)認為獨自出誘行的,因 在於能享受「一個人獨處的時光」。但這不代表我們非去東­南亞的瑜伽度假勝地不­可。愈來愈多追求健康之道­的單身一族喜歡闖勇 新婚夫婦的月蜜勝地馬­爾代夫旅行。

COMO Maalifushi­度假村總經理Piet­ro Addis說:「馬爾代夫一直月,是蜜 天堂 但此地的無人沙灘、清澈見底的海水和寧靜­致遠的環境,同樣適合渴望養精蓄銳,重新面對世界的。旅客 」

「過去幾年,求追 健康的單身遊客人數緩­緩上升。他尋們 找全面的養生之道,喜歡運將 動課,健康食療與冥想等活動­加入行程之中。」

有見及此,這座豪華度假村今年推­出一系列專為獨行客而­設的養生活動,包括以伽和普拉提為主的靜修­活動,期為 一周。風光如畫的水上別墅、潔白純淨的沙灘、令人舒筋活絡的按摩和­充裕的休憩時間,或許能讓害怕獨自外遊­的人敞開心扉,踏出個人之旅的第一步。說到底,麼為什 孤家寡人就不能在度假­天堂裡好好享受一番?

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 ??  ?? DISCOVER MORE Cathay Pacific flies to Dublin and the Maldives from Hong Kong four times a week
DISCOVER MORE Cathay Pacific flies to Dublin and the Maldives from Hong Kong four times a week 探索更多國泰航空每周­有四班由香港飛往都柏­林及馬爾代夫的航班

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