

How one retired panda came home in style. By PHIL HEARD高齡熊貓如­何榮歸故里頤養天年? Phil Heard為你作旅程­簡介


PHIL HEARD meets a VIP – Very Important Panda


often flies celebritie­s and business leaders. Now the airline can count a new category of VIP – that is, a Very Important Panda.

Gao Gao has returned home after a successful 15-year stint at San Diego Zoo in California. While there he fathered no less than five cubs – a very important effort indeed for the vulnerable breed. Now aged 26, the equivalent of 80 in human years, he was returning to the Chinese Centre for Research and Conservati­on for the Giant Panda in Dujiangyan, close to Chengdu.

Cathay Pacific has considerab­le expertise in carrying live animals – from relocating family pets to moving valuable horses for race meetings. But pandas are always a special consignmen­t, and this was an epic trip for the old fellow

– by truck to Los Angeles, and then a freighter to Hong Kong with a stopover in Anchorage, Alaska, for fuel, and then the final leg to Chengdu.

He travelled with a retinue of keepers and even the zoo’s director of veterinary services. Although Gao Gao was in his crate on the main deck, the zoo personnel travelled in style in the upper deck ‘bubble’ – six seats behind the 747’s flight deck. Kathy Hawk, a senior keeper at San Diego Zoo, says: ‘ The neat thing was being able to see him during the flight, check on him regularly and tend to his needs.’

The secret of a successful shipment is getting the animals accustomed to the barrage of noises in cargo warehouses and on aircraft. Being towed across the tarmac at an airport with whining and roaring jet engines all around is a particular challenge.

Hawk says: ‘ We get them used to the crate, and the noises of forklifts, buzzers and beepers. We try to desensitis­e them as much as we can to make the journey as stress-free as possible.’

Discovery caught up with Gao Gao and his team at the Large Animal Handling Centre, a special part of the state- ofthe-art Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal at Hong Kong Internatio­nal Airport where he was waiting for his connecting flight to Chengdu. The journey had gone well. Hawk adds: ‘ The only thing is he gets a bit huffy when the plane is coming into land because the noises are different, but nothing serious.’

The biggest issue? Saying goodbye for the final time. ‘ We’ve lost our hearts to him. But he’s going back to his home and that’s an important aspect of our work.’



國泰航空不時接載隨主­人移居外地的寵物,或是參加賽事的珍貴馬­匹,在運送動物方面可說經­驗豐富。然而熊貓是國寶級的貴­賓,接待方式自然是非同凡­響;而對於年事已高的高高­來說,這次旅程相當漫長。動物園首先以貨車把高­高送到洛杉磯,再 登上國泰貨機,中途停靠阿拉斯加的安­克雷奇加油,然後飛往香港,最後前往終點站成都。

高高的隨行團隊括飼養員和動物園的首­席獸醫,牠身處的籠子位於飛機­的主貨艙,而動物園一行人則安坐­於上層的「氣泡」位置,即是747貨機駕駛艙­後的六個座位。聖地牙哥動物園高級飼­養員Kathy Hawk說:「最重要是可以在航程中­照料高高,按時為牠檢查和滿足牠­的需要。」





 ??  ?? Very Important Panda Gao Gao surrounded by a team of helpers in transit (below) and at San Diego Zoo (left), his home for the past 15 years 尊貴乘客熊貓高高在轉­機時與工作人員合照(下圖),牠在過去15年一直旅­居聖地牙哥動物園(左圖)
Very Important Panda Gao Gao surrounded by a team of helpers in transit (below) and at San Diego Zoo (left), his home for the past 15 years 尊貴乘客熊貓高高在轉­機時與工作人員合照(下圖),牠在過去15年一直旅­居聖地牙哥動物園(左圖)
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