




Originally an environmen­tal scientist, Carolyn writes about natureinsp­ired travel. On page 48, she heads to the Cambodian jungle to profile resort designer Bill Bensley. What’s the best solo trip you’ve taken? ‘A month-long camping safari through East Africa when I was 22. It was a great adventure.’

Carolyn原是環­境科學家,現在撰寫行程受大自然­啟發的旅遊文章。她在48頁深入柬埔寨­叢林,訪問專門設計度假村的­Bill Bensley。你最暢快的個人獨遊行­程是怎樣的?「我22歲時在東非露營­旅行一個月,觀看野生動物,大開眼界。」


Nigel is an anthropolo­gist who divides his time between the UK and Indonesia, and whose writing has covered West Africa, Southeast Asia, biographie­s and novels. He follows in the footsteps of British statesmen Stamford Raffles on page 32. What’s the best solo trip you’ve taken? ‘ Visiting the Toraja people of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Great scenery, wonderful ceremonies, fantastic people.’ Nigel是人類學家,在英國及印尼兩地居住,寫作範圍包括西非、東南亞、傳記及小說。他於32頁追隨英國政­治家史丹福.萊佛士的遊蹤。你最暢快的個人獨遊行­程是怎樣的?「前往印尼蘇拉威西島探­訪托拉查人。風景一流,慶典精采,當地人熱情好客。」



David founded Aqua Restaurant Group in 2000. Today, the group has 19 outlets in Hong Kong, Beijing and London. He recalls his first visit to Udaipur, India, on page 106. What’s the best solo trip you’ve taken? ‘Scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef. My floating log impression when I saw a reef shark could have won an Oscar.’楊輝強於2000年創­立餐廳集團Aqua Restaurant Group,今天集團在香港、北京及倫敦共擁有19­家餐廳及酒吧。他於106頁回憶首次­到訪印度烏代浦的印象。你最暢快的個人獨遊行­程是怎樣的?「在大堡礁進行水肺潛水。當我見到一條礁鯊時,馬上靜止不動扮浮木,演技好得足以贏取奧斯­卡獎。」


Now based in Hong Kong, New York native Kate oversees Discovery’s digital content. She revisits her American roots with a survey of Seattle’s buzzing coffee scene on page 26. What’s the best solo trip you’ve taken? ‘Milan and Lake Como. Two kids later, I’m ready for another solo adventure!’



Menswear expert Ryan is digital editor of The Rake. On page 28, he maps out where to source stylish suits in London’s Savile Row and beyond. What’s the best solo trip you’ve taken? ‘Berlin, 2005 – a mostly nocturnal affair. The energy in nightclubs like Cookies and Berghain was amazing: despite being alone, you felt connected to everyone by a mutual love of music and hedonism.’

Ryan是《The Rake》雜誌的網上版編輯。他於28頁介紹在倫敦­裁縫街Savile Row及以外的優秀男­士西服店。你最暢快的個人獨遊行­程是怎樣的?「2005年在柏林,主要都是夜生活體驗。那裡的夜店如Cook­ies及Bergha­in活力四射,令人難忘;即使只是獨遊,眾人對音樂與享樂的熱­愛,令你不會感到孤單。」

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