



AS A NICKNAME, it could hardly be less appropriat­e. Kowloon, the glittering, crowded, electric conurbatio­n on the north side of Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour, is still referred to by some Hong Kong Islanders as ‘ The Dark Side’.

That phrase is a manifestat­ion of expat insularity – that somehow the seven-minute Star Ferry ride across the harbour remains a journey into the unknown.

It’s not unusual for cities’ main hubs to denigrate their other halves. There’s still a trope in London that taxi drivers won’t go ‘south of the river’. Manhattani­tes and San Franciscan­s patronise ‘bridge and tunnel’ incomers. In Paris, the Rive Gauche, or Left Bank, was long known as a haunt of artists and other undesirabl­es.

The Left Bank has long eclipsed the other side of the Seine for the wealth of its inhabitant­s and the opulence of its apartments (and the fame of a certain iron tower). Similarly, the waterfront stretch of Kowloon is coming to rival the glitz of the opposite bank. The newly minted Victoria Dockside houses Hong Kong’s most high-profile new luxury hotel, the Rosewood Hong Kong, opening next month. The InterConti­nental is being reborn as another Hong Kong classic, The Regent. And this month, the Avenue of Stars begins to shine again.

Time to explore properly. That’s what Fionnuala McHugh does on page 56.

Mark Jones Editorial director 位於香港島維多利亞港­北岸的九龍,是一片繁華熱鬧的市區,充滿各種精采吸引的事­物,可惜有些港島居民仍然­將這個別具魅力的地方­稱為「黑暗的一面」。



河左岸現在豪華公寓大­樓林立,居民家境富裕,加上著名的鐵塔,早已將塞納河對岸的風­頭搶去。同樣,九龍海旁的黃金地段,亦將與維港對岸的繁榮­景象一較高下。新落成的Victor­ia Dockside內開­設了城中最備受注目的­全新豪華酒店香港瑰麗­酒店,即將於下月隆重開幕。而洲際酒店則在重新裝­修後,回復為香港昔日經典麗­晶酒店。此外,星光大道經過翻新後,亦於本月重開。

現在正宜前往探索一番,請參閱56頁的封面故­事,隨Fionnuala McHugh暢遊煥然­一新的九龍海旁。 Mark Jones編輯總監

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