

How the Chinese diaspora will celebrate this month

- 探索更多國泰航空設有­飛往倫敦、三藩市、洛杉磯、悉尼及溫哥華的航班,詳情請瀏覽catha­

海外華人本月舉行各種­活動歡慶農曆新年 LONDON

Chinese population: 124,250

The main Chinese New Year events take place in London’s Chinatown – the historic streets that sit between the tourist hubs of Leicester Square and hip Soho. The Chinese New Year parade passes from there via the West End to Trafalgar Square, where there are stage performanc­es and all- day entertainm­ent. SAN FRANCISCO

Chinese population: 629,243

San Francisco is home to one of the biggest Chinese New Year parades outside of Asia. The event has been held since the 1860s. The city also marks the occasion with a flower market, basketball jamboree, Miss Chinatown USA pageant and a street fair. LOS ANGELES

Chinese population: 566,968

There is, of course, a parade: but if you’re after something different, the city’s Beverly Center mall hosts a special WeChat mascot and sticker workshop. Universal Studios is also celebratin­g the festival with a Kung Fu Panda event and LA’s Chinatown hosts a block party to celebrate. SYDNEY

Chinese population: 487,976 Sydney hosts over 80 events to celebrate Chinese New Year across the city between 1-10 February. Have dim sum with koalas at Wild Life Sydney Zoo, watch the dragon boat races in Darling Harbour and take a selfie with giant lanterns in Circular Quay. VANCOUVER

Chinese population: 411,470

In Richmond, you’ll find 10-course Chinese banquets. The traditiona­l flower bazaar takes place at the Internatio­nal Buddhist Temple and you’ll find many cultural events across the city, including art exhibits at the Oakridge Centre and a dance performanc­e at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre.

倫敦華裔人口: 124,250 倫敦主要的農曆新年慶­祝活動於歷史悠久的唐­人街展開。屆時大型的新春巡遊會­從坐落在旅遊熱點萊斯­特廣場和時髦的蘇豪區­之間的唐人街出發,經過西區,抵達特拉法加廣場,然後在那裡舉行連串表­演,娛樂節目整天不斷。 三藩市

華裔人口: 629,243



華裔人口: 566,968盛大的慶祝活動­當然少不了花車巡遊,若你想要點與別不同的­體驗,不妨前往比華利購物中­心參加微信吉祥物及貼­紙工作坊等特別活動。此外,亦可前往環球影城,參加功夫熊貓活動,或是加入洛杉磯唐人街­內舉行的街頭派對。


華裔人口: 487,976

悉尼於21月 日至10日在城中各處­舉行80多項活動,與眾人一起慶祝農曆春­節。遊客可在悉尼野生動物­園與樹熊共進點心,在達令港欣賞龍舟競賽,或是以環形碼頭的大型­花燈為背景自拍,留下美麗的身影。


華裔人口: 411,470

你可在列治文區品嚐十­道菜的新春盛宴,國際佛教觀音寺內則有­傳統的花市。市內其他新春文藝活動­包括在Oakridg­e Centre購物中心­舉行的藝術展,以及於Queen Elizabeth Theatre劇院上­演的舞蹈表演等。


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