


I’VE ALWAYS LIKED to make films about people’s deep-seated attitudes and fears, especially when the individual­s aren’t really aware of them. Swedish director Ruben Östlund’s 2014 film Force Majeure is about a man forced to confront his own hidden weaknesses.

In the film, a family holidaying at a ski resort in the French Alps is threatened when an avalanche appears to be heading towards them. In a moment of weakness, the father runs away, leaving his family behind. It’s through this decision that people begin to really see him. He denies his intentions at first but is eventually forced to face up to his decision and his own flaws.

Well written and well acted, the film is simple yet is able to deal with the complicate­d matter of human weakness. You don’t get a definitive answer to his predicamen­t in the end, but there is still a degree of resolution. I always want to create works that leave something for the audience to think about; Force Majeure accomplish­es that superbly.

I love the climactic scene in which the father cries in a hotel corridor. It’s unusual because we don’t normally see men break down and wail like that. I think that men should be allowed to cry. Men and women might be conditione­d to think differentl­y, but feelings are innate. Everyone is capable of love, laughter and tears; these are things that we’re born with. What matters is whether we show them or not.

我喜歡製作一些探討人­們心態及恐懼的作品,特別是對此不自覺的人­物。這些深藏於人們心底的­情感,甚至連當事人也未有為­意它們的存在。瑞典導演Ruben Östlund於20­14年執導的《愛情中的不可抗力》,講的就是一個男人如何­被迫面對自己未有察覺­的弱點。




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 ??  ?? OUR CRITIC: Actor- director Sylvia Chang選片人 :演員及導演張艾嘉
OUR CRITIC: Actor- director Sylvia Chang選片人 :演員及導演張艾嘉

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