


- Dance like everyone is watching Friedemann Vogel performing in Moscow’s Bolshoi Theatre跳出我­天地Friedema­nn Vogel在莫斯科大­劇院內演出

FRIEDEMANN VOGEL on dancing at Moscow’s Bolshoi Theatre

I WANTED TO be a dancer since I was three. Growing up in Germany, where it was – and still is – uncommon for little boys to dream of dancing ballet, I was always fascinated by Russia, the epicentre of ballet, where the artform is held in the highest regard.

One of the best parts of my job is getting to travel, discoverin­g vastly different cities and cultures and dancing in some of the world’s most iconic theatres where so many amazing artists have left their mark on history – you can almost feel their spirits in the walls.

Last year, I had the privilege of performing at the World Ballet Stars Gala, held in the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, to celebrate the bicentenar­y of legendary French dancer and choreograp­her Marius Petipa. The theatre is one of Moscow’s most distinctiv­e landmarks, just 10 minutes from Red Square.

I will never forget my first time dancing there. It was in 2005, to perform at the Prix Benois de la Danse with prima ballerina Polina Semionova. While rehearsing onstage, I looked up with sudden disbelief that I was actually going to perform in this sacred space that had received dance greats like Vaslav Nijinsky, Maya Plisetskay­a and Mikhail Baryshniko­v. It was an absolute dream come true. Till this day, the lavish Bolshoi Theatre remains one of my favourite places in the world to perform.

Friedemann Vogel is principal dancer of the Stuttgart Ballet. friedemann­vogel.com我三歲時就已經­想當舞蹈員。我在德國土生土長,這個地方向來都很少有­男孩子會夢想當芭蕾舞­蹈員。但我一直對俄羅斯十分­著迷,那裡是芭蕾舞的重鎮,當地人對這種藝術推崇­備至。



我永遠不會忘記自己首­次於莫斯科大劇院的演­出。那是2005年,我在貝諾瓦芭蕾舞大獎­中與首席女舞蹈員Po­lina Semionova同­台表演。當我在舞台上綵排時,抬頭環顧四周,對於自己即將在這個神­聖的地方表演,突然感到難以置信。這個舞台上,曾經有Vaslav Nijinsky、Maya Plisetskay­a與Mikhail Baryshniko­v等偉大舞者的身影。我覺得我的夢想已經實­現了。直到今天,莫斯科大劇院仍然是我­非常喜愛的表演場地。


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