

Film noir gets reinvented with an oddball conspiracy and an artful dreamscape. By KEVIN MA一個古怪的陰謀與­洋溢夢幻文藝氣息的故­事為黑色電影帶來新鮮­感。撰文:馬樂民



this month offer a twist on the film-noir genre and challenge convention­al film narratives.

After his critically acclaimed horror hit It Follows, director David Robert Mitchell returns with Under the Silver Lake. Set in Los Angeles – the backdrop to neo-noir greats such as

The Long Goodbye, Chinatown and LA Confidenti­al – the film follows a slacker (Andrew Garfield) who becomes an amateur sleuth to search for his missing neighbour. This is when he begins to see hidden codes and subliminal messages everywhere, leading him to explore a wider conspiracy.

Evoking David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive, the offbeat, LA-set neo-noir, Under the Silver Lake is a psychedeli­c love letter to the genre, filled with surreal imagery and oddball characters. Though it’s set in contempora­ry times, Mitchell tips his hat to past classics with the use of vintage props and an orchestral score by the composer Disasterpe­ace. Not everyone will be satisfied with the destinatio­n, but the fun of Mitchell’s film is in the detours.

Meanwhile, Long Day’s Journey into Night is the second film by Bi Gan, who became an instant star on the film festival circuit with Kaili Blues in 2016. Like his debut, Long Day’s Journey is another mystery set in the director’s hometown of Kaili in China’s Guizhou province. Huang Jue stars as a man who returns to his hometown and searches for a lost love ( Tang Wei). Like Under the Silver Lake, Bi’s take on neo-noir sees his hero come across eccentric characters and dangerous situations. However, unlike Mitchell, Bi maintains a sense of mystery rather than landing on answers.

Blending past, present, reality and dreamscape into a hypnotic voyage, Long Day’s Journey is a film that defies traditiona­l narratives. It puts viewers on a languid journey filled with gorgeous visuals and ambiguity, meant to be experience­d rather than understood. Despite a lack of clear answers, the film is worth seeing purely for its centrepiec­e: an audacious 60-minute take that travels through and above Kaili. It’s gimmicky – but undeniably also a jaw-dropping filmmaking feat.


導演David Robert Mitchell

繼叫好又叫座的前作《鬼上你的床》之後,再次執導《Under the Silver Lake》。本片故事以洛杉磯為背­景,多部出色的新黑色電影­亦以這座城市為背景,例如《撲朔迷離》、《唐人街》及《幕後嫌疑犯》等。電影的主角( Andrew Garfield 飾)遊手好閒,為了追尋失蹤鄰居的下­落,最後變成業餘偵探。在調查的過程中,他開始發現隱藏的密碼­及難以被人察覺的訊息­遍佈各處,並由此逐步陷入一個更­龐大的陰謀中。

《Under the Silver Lake》是一部不落俗套的新黑­色電影,可說是寫給新黑色電影­的迷幻情書,片中充滿超現實的影像­和言行古怪的人物,令人想起 David Lynch 同樣以洛杉磯為背景的《失憶大道》。雖然本片故事以現代時­空為背景, Mitchell 卻運用老舊的道具以及­大量由作曲家Disa­sterpeace


另外,於2016年憑首作《路邊野餐》於多個電影節內一鳴驚­人的導演畢贛,推出第二部作品《地球最後的夜晚》。本片一如前作,是以導演的家鄉貴州省­凱里市為背景的懸疑片。黃覺飾演一名回到故鄉­尋找昔日舊愛(湯唯飾)的男子,就像《Under the Silver Lake》的主角一樣,碰到不少言行古怪的人­物及多次身陷險境。可是,畢贛跟 Mitchell在處­理上卻有分別,前者在片中一直保持一­分懸疑感,但後者則要設法找出答­案。


 ??  ?? Get a clue Andrew Garfield plays a slacker drawn into a conspiracy in Under
the Silver Lake (above)尋找線索Andrew Garfield在《Under the Silver Lake》飾演誤墮陰謀的無業遊­民(上圖)
Get a clue Andrew Garfield plays a slacker drawn into a conspiracy in Under the Silver Lake (above)尋找線索Andrew Garfield在《Under the Silver Lake》飾演誤墮陰謀的無業遊­民(上圖)

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