

視屏·視評John le Carré returns to television with The Little Drummer Girl. By KEVIN MA John le Carré的小說再度­被搬上電視,今次是《The Little Drummer Girl》。撰文:馬樂民


IN 2016, PRODUCTION company Ink Factory, the BBC and Oscar-winning director Susanne Bier brought spy novelist John le Carré back to television for the first time in 25 years with the TV adaptation of The Night Manager. The six-part series was an unqualifie­d success, winning multiple Emmy, Bafta and Golden Globe awards.

Last year, Ink Factory and the BBC returned to Le Carré’s body of work, adapting The Little Drummer Girl into a six-part mini-series. The 1970s-set drama follows Charlie (Florence Pugh), a young British actor with radical political leanings. During a holiday to Greece (cue scenes set on beautiful beaches), she is recruited by Joseph (Alexander Skarsgård), a spy for a secret Israeli intelligen­ce agency, to infiltrate a Palestinia­n terrorist group after a heinous bombing.

The scripts by Claire Wilson and Michael Lesslie take advantage of the extended TV format, taking time to lay out Le Carré’s labyrinthi­ne plotting. While Charlie’s mission is the core of the story, Michael Shannon occupies a parallel narrative as Martin, an Israeli spymaster with a game plan. Pugh – fantastic as the ruthless femme fatale in Lady Macbeth – gives an intriguing and layered performanc­e as the spy-in-training, but Shannon is the heart of the show as the ruthless puppet master. The American actor’s Israeli accent takes some time to get used to, but his commanding presence lends a dramatic anchor to Le Carré’s dense narrative.

In an inspired choice, the producer recruited South Korea’s Park Chanwook, the innovative stylist who turned violent exploitati­on cinema into art with his Vengeance Trilogy ( Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, Oldboy and Sympathy for Lady Vengeance), to direct the series. Working with prolific South Korean cinematogr­apher Kim Woo-hyung ( 1987: When the Day Comes), Park infuses his first TV effort with numerous stylistic touches borrowed from cinema – a washed- out, grey palette imitating films of the era, inventive camerawork and striking editing techniques. By the end of the first episode, it’s clear that The Little Drummer Girl has been placed in the hands of a master. In next month’s Discovery, the Le Carré film and TV tour

2016 年,製作公司Ink Factory、BBC英國廣播公司及­奧斯卡獲獎導演Sus­anne Bier 聯手將間諜小說家Jo­hn le Carré的作品《夜班經理》改編為電視劇,這是25年來Le Carré的小說首次­被搬上熒幕。這個全長六集的劇集空­前成功,贏得艾美獎、英國電視學院獎及金球­獎多個獎項。

去年 Ink Factory 及 BBC再度從 Le Carré的小 說 中尋 寶,選 中《The Little Drummer Girl》,將之改編為六集的迷你­劇集。故事的背景是1970 年代,主角 Charlie ( Florence Pugh飾)是個有激進政治傾向的­年輕英國演員。她在希臘度假(劇集有迷人的海灘美景)時,被以色列秘密情報機關­的間諜Joseph(Alexander Skarsgård 飾)招攬,在一次令人髮指的炸彈­襲擊後,滲透一個巴勒斯坦恐怖­組織。

編劇Claire Wilson與 Michael Lesslie 利用電視劇較長的篇幅,將Le Carré 原著中錯綜複雜的情節­清楚交待。Charlie 的任務是故事的主線,而Michael Shannon飾演掌­握全局的以色列特務頭­子Martin,則在敘事上與她互相呼­應。Pugh在《馬克白夫人的誘惑》中飾演冷酷無情的蛇蠍­美人,演技令人讚賞,在本劇集飾演正在受訓­的間諜新手,演技層次豐富,將角色演繹得引人入勝。但Shannon飾演­性格冷酷,一手操縱大局的特務頭­子,才是全劇的重心所在。這位美國演員在劇中帶­以色列口音,需要花點時間才聽得慣,不過他舉手投足之間的­威嚴與氣勢,卻在Le Carré情節複雜的­敘事中起著壓場的作用。

劇集監製別出心裁,邀來南韓導演朴贊郁執­導。這位導演以風格創新見­稱,他的復仇三部曲(《復仇》、《原罪犯》及《親切的金子》)將渲染暴力的電影提升­至藝術層次。朴贊郁與多產的攝影師­金宇亨(前作《1987:逆權公民》)緊密合作,在首次執導的電視劇中­注入不少電影風格,例如模仿那個年代電影­略帶淡灰白的色調,以極具創意的手法運用­鏡頭,以及出色的剪接技巧等。看到第一集結束時,觀眾已清楚看出《The Little Drummer Girl》處處流露出大師風範。

下期《Discovery》將推出Le Carré 影視作品之旅,敬請留意

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 ??  ?? Secret weapon Florence Pugh stars as Charlie, a young British actor sucked into the world of espionage秘­密武器
Florence Pugh飾演身陷國際­間諜網的年輕英國演員­Charlie
Secret weapon Florence Pugh stars as Charlie, a young British actor sucked into the world of espionage秘­密武器 Florence Pugh飾演身陷國際­間諜網的年輕英國演員­Charlie

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