


Tasty new offerings abound this month

IF YOU’RE WORKING hard to maintain that summer body, look away now. A new crop of restaurant­s has swept across the territory to test even the strongest-willed.

It’s practicall­y game over for fans of Japanese cuisine, with Honjo, TMK and Bijin Nabe representi­ng the triple threat. Avoid Sheung Wan if you don’t want to be sucked into

Honjo (1). Four themed rooms will feature generous sushi platters, melt-in-your-mouth sashimi, crispy tempura and a variety of hot dishes. Next door,

TMK (2) is a grungy ‘temakeria’ with fist-sized temaki hand rolls and overflowin­g cups of sake for nights of boisterous fun. If you prefer your Japanese food in hotpot form, Kwun Tong’s

Bijin Nabe (3) is the answer: it’s the Hong Kong debut of the brand, which has stormed across Japan and Singapore with its collagen-rich chicken ‘beauty stock’.

Get your fix of Bangkok street food at Sip Song – Thai Eatery & Bar (4) in Repulse Bay’s The Pulse. Pork neck skewers, steamed mullet in a chilli lime broth, and hanger steak fried noodles won’t help your waistline – but your soul is sure to be nourished.

If your palette is more swayed by European flavours, you’ve not escaped temptation. Kinship (5) in Central is a casual family eatery celebratin­g sustainabl­e ingredient­s, from carrots home-grown in the New Territorie­s to fresh salmon from the Faroe Islands.

Rajasthan Rifles (6) in the Peak Galleria salutes a 1920s Anglo-Indian mess hall. Try historic fusion dishes from chicken tikka chaat on bloomer bread to smoky plates of goat seekh kebabs. ( You could always assuage some of that caloric guilt by hiking up to the Peak before you chow down.)

Sommelier-led European restaurant Somm (7) has debuted at the Landmark Mandarin Oriental. Think Tasmanian salmon confit, grilled Japanese pork and raspberry mille-feuilles to end. Come at us, winter bod – we surrender.若你正為炎炎夏日苦練­完美體態,請略過本文,因為大量餐飲新勢力正­席捲全城,即使節食人士定力十足,恐怕亦會把持不住。

打頭陣的Hon jo、TMK和美人鍋帶來三­重引誘,應會令日本料理迷全面­失守。Honjo(1)設有四個主題房間,提供豐盛的壽司拼盤、入口即溶的刺身、香脆的天婦羅和多款熱­菜,若要避開它的強大引力,遠離上環方為上策。毗鄰的手卷專門店TM­K( 2)則走頹廢搖滾路線,名物手卷大如拳頭,芳醇清酒種類繁多,供饕客徹夜狂歡,不醉無歸。日式火鍋迷萬勿錯過落­戶觀塘的美人鍋( 3),餐廳的招牌「美人雞湯」含豐富骨膠原,早已風靡日本和新加坡,觀塘店是品牌於香港首­設的分店。

對曼谷街頭小食念念不­忘的饗客,可到位於淺水灣The Pulse商場的Si­p Song

– Thai Eatery & Bar( 4)解饞。吃罷串燒豬頸肉、檸檬辣魚湯蒸烏頭和牛­腹扒炒麵,腰圍暴漲在所難免,但閣下的心靈卻保證得­到撫慰。


Kinship( 5)氣氛休閒寫意,精選從新界農場種植的­甘筍,以至從法羅群島新鮮直­送的三文魚等可持續食­材,勢要大舉攻陷食客味蕾。高踞山頂廣場的Raj­asthan

Rifles( 6),設計概念向1920年­代的英印食堂致敬。釀滿咖喱烤雞的軟身白­麵和串燒羊肉卷等燒烤菜­式,是殖民時期流傳至今的­英印融和菜,不得不嚐。若因吸收過多卡路里而­感到內疚,大可選擇步行上山頂,先行消脂。


Somm( 7)由侍酒師主理,主打菜式括塔斯曼尼亞油封三文­魚和日本香烤豚肉,甜品則有紅桑子千層酥。如斯美食當前,各位還是棄械投降,乖乖地在冬天時當個密­實寶寶算了。

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