


- Adam White Group Editor韋子軒集­團總編輯


if it ain’t got that swing, as the Duke Ellington number goes. He’s totally right. Nothing is more truly toe-tappingly joyful than jazz: great jazz can fill and lift the soul like a plane in flight.

Round about the same time that Ellington was penning that song, jazz was arriving in the land of tigers and tiffin. Jazz came to Mumbai – or Bombay, as it was then – in the 1930s, and a whole new kind of cool was born. On p32, we chart the fortunes of jazz in this Art Deco-drenched city, from stately hotel bands to Bollywood swing to a resurgence in Brooklyn-inBombay dives.

Also in this issue, we’re prepping you for the Rugby World Cup with an insight into the rise of the sport in Japan – and the tale of how a town devastated by a tsunami is putting itself back together through the power of rugby (p40).

We travel to Bordeaux and discover a city of wine reborn (p46) – and tell the story of a few very lucky Marco Polo Club members who travelled with Cathay Pacific to the wineries of the region, before hopping onboard a pristine A350-900 for its maiden flight to Hong Kong (p64).

We meet the mastermind behind noties-allowed creative club Soho House, which has just opened its Hong Kong outpost (p58). And we find out what happens when a writer decides to travel around New Zealand in a battered old van for a month – with someone she met on the plane (p52).

After all, great travel – just like great jazz – is all about improvisat­ion.

Have a great flight.正如殿堂級爵士樂手D­uke Ellington的­歌曲所說:「沒搖擺就沒意義」,他說得一點也沒錯。什麼都比不上爵士樂更­能讓你開心地用腳尖點­地,隨音樂搖動身軀,美好的爵士樂可以慰藉­心靈,讓心情飛躍,如同展翅翱翔的飛機。大概在Ellingt­on創作那首歌的時候,爵士樂也傳至老虎出沒、遍地奶茶和印式午餐的­神奇國度。爵士樂於1930年代­席捲孟買,帶動當地發展出「酷酷」的音樂類型。我們在第32頁探討爵­士樂在這個裝飾藝術城­市的發源、興衰與重生,它的起點是衣冠楚楚、一本正經的酒店樂隊,



2019年欖球世界盃­的心理準備(第40頁)。我們還趁著前往法國酒­鄉波爾多旅遊的機會,遊歷這個脫胎換骨的城­市(第46頁),並且告訴你幾位非常幸­運的馬可孛羅會會員的­故事,他們有幸乘搭國泰航空­的空中巴士A350- 900交付航班返港,同時也造訪了幾間波爾­多的酒莊(第64頁)。另外,我們訪問了私人會所S­oho House的創辦人,會所謝絕會員穿西裝和­領帶,奉行休閒愜意主義,它最近在香港開設分部(第58頁)。最後,我們去看看一位決定駕­著老舊客貨車暢遊新西­蘭一個月的作(第家,而她的旅伴是在飛機上­認識的新朋友52頁)。說到底,最難忘的旅行跟爵士樂­一樣,都是臨時起意的即興創­作。祝大家有個愉快的航程。

 ??  ?? Mumbai Deco When the Jazz Age came to Bombay裝飾藝術­之城爵士樂時代降臨有「裝飾藝術之城」美譽的孟買
Mumbai Deco When the Jazz Age came to Bombay裝飾藝術­之城爵士樂時代降臨有「裝飾藝術之城」美譽的孟買
 ??  ??

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