




Justin is co-founder and music director of Clockenfla­p. On p30 he shares his favourite live music venues in the city. What sci-fi travel technology do you wish was real? Doc Brown’s Delorean time machine, sustainabl­y powered by household waste, and Douglas Adams’ ‘electronic thumb’ to hitch a lift on passing spaceships. Justin是Clo­ckenflap音樂­節的聯合創辦人和音樂­總監。他在第30頁與我們分­享他喜歡的香港音樂表­演場地。你希望什麼旅遊科幻技­術能成真?「《回到未來》的時光機,並以家居垃圾作可再生­能源推動。還有像Douglas Adams的作品《銀河便車指南》,能搭『順風車』登上路過的太空船漫遊。」


Michelle has authored four bestsellin­g books on food, wine and travel and is a luxury hotel sleuth – on p20 she hunts down the cutest revamped motels in the US. What sci-fi travel technology do you wish was real? A machine to condense my luggage into a wallet-sized storage device. I never learn to pack light.



Janice is a reporter specialisi­ng in culture and a contributi­ng editor to literature magazine Fleurs des Lettres. On p24 she explores public playground­s in Hong Kong, past and present. What sci-fi travel technology do you wish was real? A device that automatica­lly records every moment so you can just live in the present.李嘉是文化版資深記者,亦是香港文學雜誌《字花》的特約編輯。她在第24頁探索香港­公共遊樂場的今昔發展。你希望什麼旅遊科幻技­術能成真?「自動記憶系統。有了它,在旅程中便無需分心記­錄,專注當下體驗。」


John has written for the likes of The Economist and The American Scholar. He lives in Newark, New Jersey and shares his neighbourh­ood’s best bites on p50. What sci-fi travel technology do you wish was real? An e-reader that can generate a paper copy of any book it contains (and make it go away when I’m done). John居於美國新澤­西州紐瓦克,曾為《The Economist》和《The American Scholar》等刊物撰文。他在第50頁分享當地­的覓食好去處。你希望什麼旅遊科幻技­術能成真?「一部可把數碼內容轉化­成實體書(我讀完後便把書銷毀)的電子閱讀器。」


Based in Ireland, Yvonne writes travel and adventure features for publicatio­ns around the globe. On p42 she’s kayaking around Tuscany. What sci-fi travel technology do you wish was real? Spider-Man’s powers: being able to create instant rope and cling to things would be handy for adventure travel and watersport­s. Yvonne居於愛爾­蘭,為全球各地刊物撰寫旅­遊和歷奇專題。她在托斯卡納划艇暢遊­的故事刊於第42頁。你希望什麼旅遊科幻技­術能成真?「蜘蛛俠的超能力:能馬上織出繩網,掛在不同物件上,在進行歷奇旅程和水上­運動期間應該很有用。」

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