



That’s the far-distant date enshrined as the setting of Ridley Scott’s 1982 sci-fi classic Blade Runner.

Well – the future is now. Back in the ’80s, Scott based his cyberpunk Los Angeles on the megapolise­s of East Asia: the gleam of Tokyo and the neon-suffused grit of Hong Kong. How close are we to truly living in that future? Find out on p34.

The images for our feature and cover this month have been shot by Aussie photograph­er Sean Foley. Sean has called Hong Kong home for the last six years and sees his cyberpunk style as intertwine­d with the city. ‘I started my photograph­y journey here in Hong Kong and I feel as though the style I have developed came about because of the city,’ he tells me. ‘When I go out for a shoot, I’m seeking that vibe I’ve become known for – and it just so happens that Hong Kong is the perfect place for it.’

Another perfect place: Tuscany. It’s the kind of destinatio­n that’s impossible to hate… unless you’re stuck behind a queue of a hundred tourists waiting to get into the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. But there are no such frustratio­ns if you see it from the water, as we do on p42.

One more unexpected point of view comes to us courtesy of Newark, New Jersey. On p50 we discover a quiet culinary revolution in NYC’s lower-profile cousin. And on p56, we find the beauty of travelling alone in South Africa’s Cederberg, with only ancient art for company.

Blade Runner predicted a rather gloomy November 2019. I see a pretty great one.

Have a fantastic flight.

Adam White Group Editor現在是2­019年11月。Ridley Scott在1982­年推出的科幻電影《2020》,就是以這個時間作為未­來背景。

現在,就是那個「未來」。在1980年代, Scott以東亞大城­市作為科幻年代的洛杉­磯藍圖,括在黑暗中發亮的東京,以及霓虹燈滿目的香港。請翻閱第34頁,看看我們生活的城市跟­戲中的「未來」有什麼異同。

本月的封面及文中的照­片,都出自澳洲攝影師Se­an Foley的手筆。Sean定居香港六年,他眼中的香港風景,與其未來科幻拍攝風格­交織在一起。他說:「我在這裡開展攝影師生­涯,並發現這城市幫助我塑­造出自己的攝影風格。每當我出去拍照時,自然而然地就會尋找自­己喜歡的感覺,而香港就是完美呈現這­種感覺的地方。」






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