


- A dark Italian drama bares its teeth. By AMANDA SHEPPARD撰文:Amanda Sheppard


of Italy’s abandoned urban settlement­s, it’s survival of the fittest. But in Matteo Garrone’s latest film, who exactly that is may surprise you.

Dogman’s main character, Marcello (Marcello Fonte) lives a quiet existence as a dog groomer. But there’s a disconnect between this life and the extravagan­t scuba diving holidays he takes with his daughter – holidays which should be well beyond his means. We soon learn that Marcello’s income is supplement­ed by a side hustle as a small-time drug dealer. His biggest client – both physically and metaphoric­ally – is Simone (Edoardo Pesce), a violent thug who begins to involve a reluctant Marcello in his illicit, and increasing­ly unhinged, activities.

Loosely based on the real-life tale of infamous ’80s Italian criminal Er Canaro, ‘the dog keeper’, Dogman is set in a stark, brutalist landscape. Filmed in a largely abandoned holiday village outside of Naples, the harshness of the setting mirrors the narrative of the film. It’s a setting Garrone is familiar depicting, having set the 2008 film Gomorrah

– which delved into the dealings of the Casalesi crime organisati­on – on the rundown outskirts of Naples.

In stature, the two lead actors are polar opposites, and their performanc­es are enhanced by their physical difference­s. As Marcello, Fonte (whose performanc­e won him the Best Actor award at Cannes) is all gentleness in his interactio­ns with his family and the dogs in his charge. His mild-mannered, subdued character seems to make him an ideal victim. Meanwhile Pesce as Simone throws his weight around in an aggressive, almost animalisti­c performanc­e. That contrast is what brings the film to life.

Throughout Dogman, we learn that survival of the fittest isn’t all about force. Marcello maybe not be any kind of hero: but the seemingly gentler man proves himself, however tragically, not to be the victim.


鎮中,適者生存才是王道。但在Matteo Garrone 的新作中,最終的生還者可能出乎­你的意料之外。

《人心狗吠》的主角Marcell­o (Marcello Fonte 飾)以狗隻美容為生,過著平的生活。以他的生計而言,要帶女兒享受奢華的潛­水假期可謂妄想,因為度假支出遠超他的­收入,但我們很快便發現,原來他會偶爾兼職販毒­賺取外快。鎮上的惡霸Simon­e(Edoardo Pesce飾)在檯面上或檯底下都是­他最大的客人,這名惡棍更開始將不願­蹚渾水的主角牽扯進自­己日漸失控的非法勾當­之中。

電影改編自真人真事,以1980 年代惡名昭著、有「養狗人」之稱的意大利罪犯Er Canaro 的事跡為骨幹,回溯蕭條崩壞的時代背­景。導演在那不勒斯郊外的­廢棄度假村取景,荒涼的景象成劇情的最­佳寫照;其實他在 2008 年的前作也同樣於那不­勒斯的破舊郊區拍攝,打造深入犯罪集團 Casalesi 的作品《我在娥摩拉的日子》,自


兩位主角身型迥異,卻同樣因外型而演活各­自的角色。飾演 Marcello 的 Fonte (憑此片榮膺康城影帝)面對家人和照料的狗兒­時溫柔體貼,溫文沉默的性格似乎令­他成為受害者的不二人­選。而飾演Simone的 Pesce則身材高大、蠻橫無理,呈現好勇鬥狠的原始獸­性,兩極的對比令電影充滿­張力。

《人心狗吠》讓我們明白到惡勢力並­非求存的王道。Marcello 或許並非英雄好漢,外表柔弱的他卻以悲壯­的方式證明自己不甘淪­為犧牲品。

Dog eat dog It’s survival of the fittest for Marcello and his canine companions­你死我活在戲中,Marcello和他­的狗狗朋友活在一個弱­肉強食的世界

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