

亞洲焦點Action-filled animation Ne Zha blurs the line between good and evil. By AMANDA SHEPPARD 動作動畫奇幻片《哪吒之魔童降世》帶觀眾遊走於正邪之間。 撰文: Amanda Sheppard


If there’s one thing to learn from animation’s greatest heroes and nastiest villains, it’s that size isn’t everything – the little ones can pack some serious punch. The titular character from Chinese animation Ne Zha proves no exception.

A spell gone awry sees the spirit Ne Zha (voiced by Lü Yanting and teen actor Joseph) incarnated from the evil Demon Pill in the body of a baby. Unbeknown to the child, his fate is sealed, with a lightning bolt destined to strike him on his third birthday. His parents Lord Li (Chen Hao) and Lady Yin (Lü Qi) do everything in their power to counter the prophecy and protect him from himself and others.

Compelled to live in a perpetual state of the terrible twos, coupled with the unfortunat­e addition of superhuman strength – a mere game of jianzi shuttlecoc­k leaves the palace walls in ruins – Ne Zha is a social pariah, feared and shunned by the entire village. Events reach a tipping point as Ne Zha’s third birthday approaches and he meets his ostensibly good counterpar­t Ao Bing (Han Mo), birthed from the Demon Pill’s other half, the Spirit Pearl.

China’s first animated IMAX feature and its highest-grossing animation of all time, Ne Zha carries an obvious widespread appeal. It seamlessly blends Chinese mythology and folklore with universal notions of right and wrong. And that’s not to mention the appeal of its language-transcendi­ng action sequences, which pick up the pace of the film between sentimenta­l scenes. The graphics are works of art in themselves, proof positive that skilled animation isn’t solely the preserve of Pixar and Dreamworks.

Nor is an effective story. In Ne Zha, the battle between good and evil is anything but clear cut. The film shows us that if a leopard – or a demon – can change its spots, then so can we.




《哪吒之魔童降世》是中國第一部 IMAX 動畫,刷新了動畫電影在國內­的票房紀錄。電影完美地糅合中國神­話、民間傳說和善惡的普世­價值,連串動作場面更打破語­言界限,巧妙地穿插於感人情節­之間,令節奏鋪排得更緊湊。電影畫功精緻,好比藝術作品,證明優秀的動畫不是彼­思和夢工場獨有。


 ??  ?? Fighting spirit
A battle to save the world as we know it unfolds in Ne Zha鬥志昂揚在哪吒­的故事中,我們看到邪不能勝正,最後憑一己之力挽救蒼­生
Fighting spirit A battle to save the world as we know it unfolds in Ne Zha鬥志昂揚在哪吒­的故事中,我們看到邪不能勝正,最後憑一己之力挽救蒼­生

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