China Daily



• Tiger: 1926/1938/1950 /1962/1974/1986/1998 /2010

Tigers are daring fighters. As one of the most powerful Chinese Zodiac signs, the Tiger is authoritat­ive, selfposses­sed and has strong leadership qualities. Compatible with Horse and Dog. • Rabbit: 1927/1939 /1951/1963/1975 /1987/1999/2011

Nobody would ignore people who were born in the year of the Rabbit. They are usually kind, sweet and popular. But sometimes they could be pessimisti­c, conservati­ve and insecure, and that explains why most of them don’t like change. Compatible with Pig and Dragon. • Dragon: 1928/1940 /1952/1764/1976 /1988/2000/2012

As the noble animal symbol that represents the Chinese emperor, dragons are born leaders and masters of ceremonies. They are idealists, perfection­ists and good at giving orders. Compatible with Monkey and Rat. • Snake: 1929/1941 /1953/1965/1977 /1989/2001/2013

Snakes are born charming and popular. They are spotlight magnets, and are good with money. However, most Snakes are a bit tight when it comes to lending money. Compatible with Rooster and Ox. • Horse: 1930/1942 /1954/1966/1978 /1990/2002/2014

Horses are active and energetic. They enjoy traveling, and intimacy, a little bit impatient though. Compatible with Dog and Tiger.

• Goat: 1931/1943/1955 /1967/1979/1991/2003 /2015

People born under this sign are the most creative. They are also elegant, charming and artistic. They can be lazy sometimes, but they will make a good craftsman or artist or writer and can confidentl­y take up any career demanding artistic talents. Compatible with Pig and Rabbit. • Monkey: 1932/1944 /1956/1968/1980 /1992/2004/2016

If you go to a party, you’ll find Monkeys at the center of attention. Their charm and humor is the key to their popularity. They don’t hide their emotions. You can probably tell how a Monkey is feeling from miles away. Compatible with Rat and Dragon. • Rooster: 1933/1945 /1957/1969/1981

Though sharp, practical and resourcefu­l, the Rooster also likes to dream. They are so straightfo­rward that sometimes they hurt other’s feelings without noticing. Compatible with Ox and Snake. • Dog: 1934/1946/1958 /1970/1982/1994 /2006/2018

They are wonderful companions only when they are in a good mood. When panic strikes, they could be defensive and picky. Compatible with Tiger and Horse. • Pig: 1935/1947/1989 /1971/1983/1995 /2007/2019

They are born to give, to yield and to serve. In relationsh­ips, they are sensitive and caring, but naive. The Pig also has a great thirst for knowledge. Compatible with Rabbit and Goat.

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