China Daily

President reshuffles his Cabinet as showdown intensifie­s

- By REUTERS in Caracas, Venezuela

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro named two university academics to major economic posts in a Cabinet reshuffle on Wednesday that came as a showdown intensifie­d between his government and a new opposition-led legislatur­e.

In a lengthy speech to the nation, the leader named Rodolfo Medina as finance minister and Luis Salas to head a new ministry for economic productivi­ty.

He also ratified Eulogio Del Pino as head of state oil company PDVSA and oil minister.

“I have decided to create this team so right now they start a new dynamic of work with the people, of permanent actions to confront the grave situation Venezuelan­s face,” Maduro said.

Venezuela has the highest inflation in the world and is suffering widespread shortages of basic products.

The ruling party blame that on the oil price plunge and an “economic war” by its foes, but opponents said 17 years of dysfunctio­nal policies including price and currency controls are to blame.

Earlier in the day, opposition defied a Supreme Court ruling and swore into the new congress three lawmakers barred from taking their seats.

The opposition won a twothirds’ super-majority in legislativ­e elections in December, but the court granted injunction­s against the three, all from the jungle state of Amazonas, after allegation­s of irregulari­ties.

The government said the National Assembly had breached the Constituti­on. “Those people are not legislator­s ... a conflict of powers is coming,” said former assembly President Diosdado Cabello, who is the ruling party’s No 2.

The case of the three is crucial because they tip the opposition over the two-thirds line in the assembly of 167 members. That majority gives the opposition expanded powers, including the capacity to fire Maduro’s Cabinet ministers.

 ?? MARCO BELLO / REUTERS ?? Three deputies of the Venezuelan coalition of opposition parties celebrate after their swearing-in ceremony during a session of the National Assembly in Caracas on Wednesday.
MARCO BELLO / REUTERS Three deputies of the Venezuelan coalition of opposition parties celebrate after their swearing-in ceremony during a session of the National Assembly in Caracas on Wednesday.

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