China Daily

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Overdo例:今天你做的这件事有点­过了,你对他又不了解,干嘛对他那么热情啊?something; go too far You you went treat too him far so today. warmly? You don’t know him well. Why did

Unnecessar­y;例:算了,我们自己修这辆自行车。为这点儿小毛病not worthwhile­犯不着跟他生气。Well, let’s repair the bicycle ourselves. It’s pointless to get angry with him for such a small problem.

China Daily with contributi­ons from New Slang of China, New World Press


“奶奶企业家”来了First we had “mumpreneur­s” — the women raising children while also setting up thriving businesses from their kitchen tables.起初,我们有“妈妈企业家”,指那些一边照看孩子,一边在厨房餐桌旁创业­并把生意做得红红火火­的女性。And now we have the “granpreneu­rs” who are breaking the "silver ceiling" and taking the business world by storm. They are a generation of spirited, vivacious and entreprene­urial grannies, ripping up the rule book and eschewing steady retirement in order to launch successful businesses.如今,又有了“奶奶企业家”,她们冲破职场“银色屋顶”,席卷整个商务领域。她们是意气风发、生性活泼,具有创业精神的奶奶辈,她们打破一切固有规则,放弃稳定的退休生活,只为成就个人创业。According to the UK Global Entreprene­urship Monitor report published by Aston University Business School in July 2014, 6.5 percent of those above age 50 are starting businesses — the same percentage as those between ages 18 and 49 — for the first time.由英国阿斯顿大学商学­院2014年7月发布­的英国全球创业观察报­告显示,50岁以上人群中有6.5%在创业,首次与18-49岁人群中的创业人­数占比持平。They may have had a long career in employment, but when retirement looms they think: "Hang on, I want to do something I'm passionate about now." And many devise business plans to become their own boss.他们或许一直在为别人­工作,可当退休生活来临时,他们会想:“等等,我现在想做一些自己热­爱的事情,”而很多人都选择绘制商­业蓝图,自己当老板。

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