China Daily



Across 1 Tycoon with the middle name Socrates 11 Advantage 15 When it’s acceptable to start downing brews 16 Pen sound 17 Vacation spot 18 Dog command 19 Away from the

nose 20 See 38- Across 21 Response to an unrevealin­g revelation 22 Point of a vampire story? 23 Bikini blasts, briefly 24 Not going swim

mingly? 27 Ice cream purchases 29 Many Israelis 30 Carriage driver? 33 Complexion

changer 34 Cousins of

husks 35 High Rhine feed

er 36 Nickname for

Baltimore 38 With 20- Across, scratched the surface for resources? 39 Squeeze 40 Get to 41 Become attentive 43 David of Rhoda

44 Frequency unit 45 German architect who spent 19 years in Spandau Prison 47 Freon letters 50 Shankar at Woodstock 51 1920 birthplace of the NFL 53 Like some fans and fences: Abbr. 54 Where Cal Ripken broke Lou Gehrig’s consecutiv­e games record 55 Piano pieces 56 6 or 7 pm, for

many Down 1 Aron’s girlfriend

in East of Eden 2 Bikini feature 3 Superlativ­e end

ing 4 Precious thing in Montana’s motto 5 11th- century

conquerors 6 Histrionic skill 7 It may be thrown around at a party 8 Put out 9 Sewn up 10 Relative of calypso 11 Item often with a hinged lid 12 Hog’s portion 13 Not yet realized 14 Presents unfairly 21 Humble response to a compliment 22 Laparoscop­y

technology 23 Rides 24 Certain WWII

enlistee 25 One may be built to commemorat­e triumph 26 Noted Ross Per

ot impersonat­or 27 Pretty 28 Unpretty 30 ___- a- brac 31 What surrounds

an aperture 32 Energizes, with

“up” 34 Top: Prefix 37 Capital of Lor

raine 38 One delivering

raspberrie­s 40 Round bump on a cactus 41 Film title character who says “This is the part where you run away” 42 Hall- of- Fame football coach Greasy 43 Board 45 Asian wear with

pleats 46 Nabokov novel 47 Vanilla ___ ( hot

drink) 48 Unvarying 49 Vanilla ___ ( cold

drink) 51 Trawler’s catch 52 Elect

 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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