China Daily

Streaming apps package ordinary lives as content


Despite the market of smartphone apps sizzling with live streams, there is still sometime to go before you could label it a gold mine — that is the consensus among leading industry players.

Fu Zhengjun, chief executive officer of Hong Konglisted Tian Ge Interactiv­e Holdings Limited, one of the two listed live streaming companies in China, said he values the market between 10 billion yuan ($1.49 billion) and 20 billion yuan. “It is more of a silver mine or perhaps a bronze mine rather than a gold mine.”

Fu’s view finds echo in Lin Yanting, chief executive of Beijing-based, one of the major live streaming platforms in China. Vhall provides its services to users who hook up online for training, conferenci­ng and such events.

Lin said the market for individual users cannot sustain as many as 200 apps in the long run. “First, the user-generated content provided by such apps is so similar in nature that it is almost impossible to differenti­ate between them. No matter which app you open, you’ll find dozens and dozens of thin, long-haired female hosts with big eyes and pointy chins. And all apps operate on a similar business model — they and their hosts split the virtual gifts sent by users.”

Lin predicted a consolidat­ion in the industry shortly. Only a handful of major players will likely survive, he said. “Bubbles will burst. Such bubbles will have a positive impact though. Without so many live apps, how can we educate users and nurture the market in such a short period of time?”

Bubbles will burst. Such bubbles will have a positive impact though.” Lin Yanting, chief executive of Beijing-based

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