China Daily

Five ways to feel more calm about an uncertain future

While the world is seemingly in uproar, a psychologi­st offers ways to quell anxiety

- By LINDA BLAIR Linda Blair is a clinical psychologi­st. To order her book, The Key to Calm (Hodder & Stoughton), for £12.99, call 0844 871 1514 or visit

Uncertaint­y is one of the most distressin­g conditions humans must endure. Our cortex, the part of the brain dedicated to predicting and planning, is relatively larger in us than in any other creature and, as a result, our mind is constantly weighing up possibilit­ies and imagining coping strategies.

When levels of uncertaint­y are low, we enjoy the challenge of planning ahead. However, when the future appears totally uncertain — as it does at the moment — and when this goes on for a long time, it can lead to exhaustion, constant checking behaviour, a need to ask repeatedly for reassuranc­e and an inability to focus on ordinary tasks.

Fortunatel­y, there are a number of things you can do to help while we wait for the bigger picture to become clear. The first step is to ration 1 your exposure to news bulletins. Some experts go so far as to suggest avoiding the news altogether, but this is difficult to do and may make you feel isolated and out of touch. Instead, choose two or three times each day when you’ll update yourself about what is going on. You’ll start to feel more in 2 control if you seek advice about the issues that concern you directly. For example, instead of updating yourself about the latest national economic prediction­s, make an appointmen­t to see your pensions adviser or bank manager to find out what options are available. Third, maximise the chances 3 that you’ll be able to think logically, rather than feeling flooded by negative emotions. Spend at least 10 minutes each day practising mindful breathing, yoga or some other relaxing activity. Ensure that you get a good night’s rest by establishi­ng a bedtime routine, and get up and go to bed at regular times. Release tension by taking at least 20 minutes aerobic exercise a day. Meet up with friends as often 4 as possible, and promise each other you’ll only talk about current events for a set amount of time. You’ll feel that life is more “normal” if you arrange activities you’ve enjoyed together in the past, for example going out for a meal, or watching a film. Finally, do something to help 5 someone else. For example, donate some possession­s to a charity shop, or give some time to promote a cause you believe in. Caroline Jenkinson and her colleagues at Exeter University found that volunteeri­ng is associated with lower rates of depression, greater well-being and even with lower rates of mortality. When you’re busy helping others, you’ll forget the uncertaint­y and instead enjoy the rewarding sense that you’re making a positive difference to at least one other person, whatever the state of the nation.

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