China Daily

This Day, That Year


Item from Dec 16, 1982, in China Daily: China’s State Council has issued a set of aviation security inspection rules.

Hijackers and those who are found guilty of damaging airplanes or airports would be severely punished . ...

China has taken a series of steps in the past few years to enhance aviation safety.

In August, the Civil Aviation Administra­tion of China published a draft amendment to the Civil Aviation Law, adding a new chapter that regulates 14 types of behaviors that endanger safety.

They include the use of mobile phones, smoking, forcibly occupying seats, blocking gates, breaking into airports and airplanes, assaulting crew members and other workers, fighting, spreading rumors and causing trouble.

Violators will face stiff penalties under the new rules, which take effect on Jan 1. For example, people who use cellphones on airplanes during restricted periods could be fined up to $7,500. Some articles of the law have also been revised to make the airline industry shoulder more responsibi­lity to ensure flight safety and passengers’ interests.

In yet another safety measure imposed this month, aviation authoritie­s have asked all airplanes to file location reports more frequently.

They have asked all airline rs to send their longitude, latitude and altitude every 15 minutes or less to ground control.

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