China Daily

Globalizat­ion needs rebooting not rejecting

- The author is a Beijing-based researcher on internatio­nal relations. Yi Fan

President Xi Jinping’s powerful message on economic globalizat­ion delivered in Davos elicited an exceptiona­lly warm response worldwide. His call for the internatio­nal community to work together to make economic globalizat­ion work for all has rekindled hope and confidence in the process which has been losing steam and even direction.

To be fair, economic globalizat­ion has done the world enormous good in the past few decades. Enabled by much freer flows of trade, capital and people, economic globalizat­ion has allowed resources, investment and technology to diffuse from the West to its vast developing “periphery”, delivering unpreceden­ted prosperity to many countries.

However, economic globalizat­ion now stands at a crossroad, weighed down by its inherent weaknesses and mismanagem­ent. Given its profit-seeking nature, capital, when unregulate­d, inevitably creates winners and losers wherever markets operate. When the going gets tough as in the wave of the 2008 financial crisis, the growing wealth gaps become especially stark.

Western politician­s who are mired in party rivalries have been incapable of tackling the combustibl­e combinatio­n of stagnant wages, dwindling benefits and rising sense of insecurity among their population­s, particular­ly the middle and lower classes, which has bred anger and frustratio­n. This has in turn fueled the rise of populism and louder calls for protection­ism.

The lack of effective economic governance at the global level has not helped. Western-centric global economic institutio­ns have failed to reflect the new reality of the global economy, where 80 percent of growth is now generated by emerging markets and developing countries.

China has been a beneficiar­y of economic globalizat­ion, particular­ly since its accession to the World Trade Organizati­on in 2001. Since then, thanks to the hard work of the Chinese people, China has become the world’s second largest economy and the biggest contributo­r to global growth. China sees economic globalizat­ion as a major trend of our times. Imperfect as it is, the alternativ­e to economic globalizat­ion, a closed-door beggar-thy-neighbor approach would ultimately make everyone worse off, which has been proven repeatedly in history. So the question is not whether to accept or reject economic globali- zation, but instead how to fix its ills and make it work for all.

China’s willingnes­s to play a leading role in reenergizi­ng economic globalizat­ion has thus been welcomed. Yet, China is aware that it does not have a magic wand that will make the challenges disappear. The future of economic globalizat­ion all comes down to how well countries coordinate and cooperate.

To make economic globalizat­ion more dynamic, countries must work together to lift the global economy out of the doldrums. Macro coordinati­on should be enhanced, structural reforms advanced, and new growth drivers fostered by harnessing the new round of industrial revolution and the digital economy. China has been doing its part by pursuing supply side structural reforms, and laying the foundation­s for sustained medium-high growth. China is willing to share its developmen­t dividends with others by taking forward the Belt and Road Initiative, which is aimed at facilitati­ng connectivi­ty and common developmen­t of the countries along the routes.

Protection­ism in all forms must be countered. China will make greater efforts along with other countries to promote trade and investment liberaliza­tion and facilitati­on, and inject fresh impetus into the WTO trade talks and FTA arrangemen­ts, in order to promote early conclusion of the Regional Comprehens­ive Economic Partnershi­p and China-Japan-ROK FTA negotiatio­ns and advance an FTA of the Asia-Pacific via the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperatio­n platform.

To make economic globalizat­ion more inclusive, inequality within and between countries needs to be addressed. The pie of developmen­t should be made bigger and divided better.

China’s vision is clear: Instead of fending for themselves, countries should join hands and make economic globalizat­ion more dynamic, inclusive and sustainabl­e, and forge a community of shared destiny for all.

Instead of fending for themselves, countries should join hands and make economic globalizat­ion more dynamic, inclusive and sustainabl­e, and forge a community of shared destiny for all.

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