China Daily

Tackling twin threats to fish in Yangtze


YANGTZE RIVER long-tailed anchovies, a popular delicacy for residents along the river, have become increasing­ly scarce and more expensive as a result of overfishin­g and industrial pollution. Guangming Daily commented on Wednesday:

The scarcity of Yangtze River long-tailed anchovies has led to a spike in the price of anchovy dishes in restaurant­s, with prices reportedly three times more than they were last year.

It is laudable that the 2017 Government Work Report included ecological recovery of the Yangtze River Economic Belt as a priority task for the government. That should serve as the fundamenta­l cure for the scarcity of the fish, as the deteriorat­ion of river environmen­t warrants increased vigilance and more inputs for remedial actions.

Statistics show that the catch for Yangtze River longtailed anchovies was about 3,750 tons in 1973, 370 tons 10 years later, and less than 100 tons in 2002. And the catch has continued to shrink since then.

The discharge of industrial waste into the Yangtze River and overfishin­g are the two causes of the declining catch.

More worrying is the fact that it is not just Yangtze River long-tailed anchovies that are becoming scarce. According to the Ministry of Agricultur­e, the four most popular domestic fish, including black carp and grass carp, are all threatened by pollution and overfishin­g.

The ministry has pledged to introduce a fishing ban in areas of the river that are breeding grounds and to promote sustainabl­e fish farming in the Yangtze River region.

Efficient enforcemen­t to reduce pollution and curb overfishin­g are urgently needed to realize these goals.

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