China Daily

Racism exposed in the form of T-shirt design

- The author is a writer with China Daily.

Graphic T-shirt designs should not be used as a shield for racism, and the “open platform principle” an excuse to evade corporate responsibi­lity. But spreadshir­ CEO Philip Rooke doesn’t seem to believe in such universal norms. The Leipzigbas­ed German company he manages allows customers to design and sell T-shirts even with catchphras­es like “Save a dog, eat a Chinese” and “Save a shark, eat a Chinese”.

These T-shirts, designed by two of spreadshir­’s customers who could be identified only as Quentin198­4 and Monigote, went on sale nearly a month ago and they are still selling despite the strong protests of Chinese people and the Chinese embassy in Berlin on March 10.

In a statement issued on the same day, Rooke said: “We do not judge or censor designs based on their phrasing, social, or political leanings. This open platform principle will mean that, in a few cases, some people may find a design controvers­ial while others do not … I apologize to anyone who takes any offense” from the designs.

Given the company’s stance, it is not surprising that its website also sells T-shirts designed by others that many would find offensive and racist. What if one of the company’s customers designed and sold T-shirts with pro-Nazi or pro-terrorism catchphras­es?

Adolf Hitler believed till the last minute of his life the cause for which he had wreaked havoc on the world was just. So did Osama bin Laden. Does Rooke also describe their beliefs as just “controvers­ies”?

Do the actions of the man who drove a heavy-duty truck into a crowd of Christmas shoppers in Berlin on Dec 19, killing 12 people, and the group of terrorists that gunned down 132 people in Paris in November 2015 also fit into Rooke’s standard of “controvers­y”?

If the answer is “yes”, German authoritie­s have enough reason to immediatel­y launch a probe into the company and prevent it from spreading more racist, religious and cultural hatred.

Going by Rooke’s criterion, even the racial discrimina­tion black people in South Africa and the United States suffered could be just a “controvers­y”, because some whites believe that people of different complexion­s should be treated differentl­y.

People do have the freedom to express their ideas through designs. Yet there is no reason why the protection of animals’ rights should come at the cost of vilifying nearly one-fifth of the world’s population.

E-commerce companies such as spreadshir­ are bound by the same legal duties, and social and moral norms, as other enterprise­s. And the “open platform principle” cannot by any means be an excuse for spreading hatred against a group of people, whether big or small.

That many Chinese have collected piles of data to show the consumptio­ns of dog meat and shark fin have dropped remarkably in China is not the point of the argument, because the crux of the matter here is not food but businesset­hics.

If the Chinese embassy’s protest falls on deaf ears, filing a lawsuit against the company would be the most rational choice. The fact that it may take a court, not common or collective sense, to tell the difference between racism and “controvers­y”, has already tarnished Germany’s image among many Chinese people.

According to German statistics authoritie­s, the trade volume between Germany and China reached about €170 billion ($183 billion)last year, and China over took the United States and France to become Germany’ s largest trade partner. Given these facts, the German government cannot afford to overlookth­eT-shirtincid­ent; instead, it must take immediate action against the company and address Chinese people’ s feelings.

And the “open platform principle” cannot by any means be an excuse for spreading hatred against a group of people, whether big or small.

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