China Daily

Park in custody after court orders arrest


SEOUL — South Korea’s ousted president Park Geunhye spent her first day in custody on Friday after a court ordered her arrest.

The former head of state stared straight ahead, apparently trying to maintain her composure, as she was driven to the Seoul Detention Center through a barrage of camera flashes shortly before dawn.

After a marathon hearing on Thursday, a court in the capital ordered Park’s arrest in connection with the corruption scandal that brought millions of people onto the streets and saw her impeached.

Prosecutor­s have yet to specify the formal charges against her, but they have previously said she is suspected of bribery, abuse of authority, coercion and leaking government secrets.

“It is justifiabl­e and necessary to arrest (Park), as key charges were justified and there is risk of evidence being destroyed,” the court said in a statement.

The decision made Park, 65, the third former leader to be arrested over corruption in Asia’s fourth-largest economy, where politics and big business have long been closely tied.

The liberal Democratic Party, which is favored to win the election on May 9 to choose Park’s successor, said in a statement that the move showed “all are equal before the law”.

“We hope today’s landmark decision will provide fresh momentum in revealing the truth about the scandal of an unpreceden­ted scale,” it added.

According to a Gallup Korea survey released on Friday, Moon Jae-in, former head of the party, garnered 31 percent of public support this week, unchanged from last week.

Park’s own Liberty Korea party — which has changed its name in an effort to distance itself from her — called the arrest “regrettabl­e”.

Loyalist lawmaker and presidenti­al hopeful Kim Jin-tae was furious, calling it “the death knell for the country’s rule of law”.

 ?? XINHUA ?? South Korea’s ousted leader Park Geun-hye leaves the prosecutor­s’ office as she is transferre­d to a detention house in Seoul on Friday.
XINHUA South Korea’s ousted leader Park Geun-hye leaves the prosecutor­s’ office as she is transferre­d to a detention house in Seoul on Friday.

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