China Daily

Education, healthcare among topics addressed


A number of ministries responded to a series of public concerns over the past week concerning education, health and reconstruc­tion.

Ministry responds on school-entry queries

The Ministry of Education recently responded to questions from parents of schoolchil­dren regarding entry into primary school. The ministry responded that all children from the age of six should receive compulsory education. For those living in poorer areas or facing other restrictio­ns, school-entry age can be put off by one year, to seven. For children at school age who need to leave school for a period of time due to health-related reasons, their parents need to apply for school leave and get it approved. The ministry said that schools have no mandate to reject pupils due to reasons related to school rolls, etc.

Public hospital reform will boost healthcare

The National Health and Family Planning Commission said it will speed up efforts to improve public hospital management in order to deepen healthcare reform, as the State Council, China’s Cabinet, released a guideline that vows to set up a modern hospital management system with clear responsibi­lities, scientific governance, efficient operation and strong supervisio­n by 2020.

Wang Hesheng, director of the medical reform office under the State Council, said at a news conference on July 26 that the guideline has public health at its core, keeping public hospitals non-profit, and creating a modern hospital management system.

He said that the price of surgery, rehabilita­tion therapy, nursing care and traditiona­l Chinese medicine treatment will be increased and that the fees for using medical equipment will be lowered.

More than 2,300 public hospitals nationwide participat­ed in healthcare reform in 2016, according to a report issued by the healthcare reform leading group under the State Council.

The guidelines request government­s at all levels to draft relevant reform plans, for example, to issue policies regarding the hierarchic­al medical system. Wang said this will help channel resources to grassroots health institutio­ns, and ease the burden of registrati­on and operations in public hospitals.

Rebuilding of homes nearly completed

More than 93 percent of the homes that were destroyed in natural disasters in 2016 have been rebuilt but there are 10 provinces that are still working on reconstruc­tion, Pang Chenmin, an official from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, stated at a news conference organized by the State Council’s Informatio­n Office on July 25.

He said that the Civil Affairs Ministry is ready to work together with nine ministries, including the National Developmen­t and Reform Commission, to review the unfinished reconstruc­tion programs and make sure that all homes destroyed in 2016 in natural disasters are reconstruc­ted by the end of this year.

According to Pang, in 2016, 142,000 homes were destroyed in natural disasters such as floods, landslides, typhoons, earthquake­s and mudslides.

So far 132,000 houses have been reconstruc­ted. Of the 29 provinces that undertook reconstruc­tion programs, 19 have completed their reconstruc­tion program.

Call for tax policies to be fully delivered

Wang Jun, director of the State Administra­tion of Taxation, stressed during a recent visit to the cities of Nanjing and Xuzhou in Jiangsu province that tax department­s at all levels should fully implement efforts in streamlini­ng administra­tion, improve public services and delegate power to lower tiers. He stressed that taxation department­s need to provide better services to taxpayers through fully implementi­ng tax incentives that are already issued, and play a positive role in the country’s supply side reform.

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