China Daily

US deficits prompt Trump to threaten global trade


US President Donald Trump has raised a major political storm in both the United States and the Republic of Korea, its long-time ally, by threatenin­g to terminate the bilateral free trade agreement. While making the statement, Trump, it appears, was not thinking about narrowing the $17 billion trade deficit the US has with the ROK. Rather, his is a desperate bid to rewrite existing global trade rules in favor of the US. Ever earlier, Trump has threatened to withdraw from bilateral or multilater­al free trade agreements. He has repeatedly threatened to terminate the North American Free Trade Agreement and clamored to use trade remedy measures to impose punitive tariffs on imports from major trade partners. He has ordered the Department of Commerce to investigat­e steel imports under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, which allows the imposition of tariffs on imports for national security reasons. And he has directed the US Trade Representa­tive to launch an investigat­ion under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 into China’s laws, policies and practices related to technology transfer, intellectu­al property and innovation.

The US’ huge trade deficits are certainly behind Trump’s threats to withdraw from free trade agreements. For example, the US had a trade deficit of $17 billion in goods and services combined with the ROK last year despite having a $10.7 billion trade surplus in services.

By issuing such threats, Trump can cater to those white industrial workers in the US who formed a bulk of his electorate in last year’s presidenti­al election, but by carrying out such isolationi­st ideas in practice, the Trump administra­tion could drag the entire world into a trade war. It could even ruin the chances of increasing jobs and incomes in the US, a promise that in all probabilit­y won Trump the presidency, because other economies are set to fight back.

The plain economic truth is that global trade improves the wellbeing of people — not necessaril­y all groups of people, though — in all countries. In the case of the US, globalizat­ion might not have been good for the low-end industries, but it has greatly benefited the advanced manufactur­ing and services sectors.

This should prompt the US administra­tion to make some policy changes so that it can help those traditiona­lly weak industries to improve their competitiv­eness and flourish in the globalized world. By pursuing the “America First” policy and coercing other countries to help the US to rewrite the trade rules in its favor, the Trump administra­tion will only evoke firm opposition from countries, even its allies, which would not be conducive to global trade.

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