China Daily

Merkel warns of consequenc­es for European asylum laggards


— Countries that fail to take part in the quota scheme for assigning asylum-seekers around the European Union could themselves be denied help in other areas, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Sunday.

“If there is no solidarity on migration, neither will there be in other areas — and that would be bitter for European cohesion,” Merkel told weekly newspaper Frankfurte­r Allgemeine Sonntagsze­itung.

The chancellor’s comments read like a warning to eastern European countries, who receive billions of euros in net benefits from EU membership — unlike net contributo­r countries such as Germany.

Eastern European government­s last week reacted angrily to a court decision requiring them to accept a share of asylum-seekers from overstretc­hed Greece and Italy.

Hungary and Slovakia failed on Wednesday in a challenge before the 28-nation EU’s top court, the European Court of Justice, to block the quota scheme agreed in Brussels two years ago.

A majority of EU interior ministers voted in September 2015 to assign some 120,000 people around the EU out of the 1.6 million who have land- ed on Greek and Italian shores since 2014,.

But the quotas proved unpopular with some Eastern European government­s, who said they were not equipped to integrate people from mainly Muslim countries.

In more conciliato­ry comments, Merkel said assigning asylum-seekers across EU countries will be simpler once Europe’s shaky migration policy is on a firmer footing.

“It will probably be easier get such a distributi­on mechanism in Europe if all the other elements in refugee and migration policy are more stable,” she said.

“If we successful­ly combat the causes of flight, effectivel­y protect our borders, have a developmen­t partnershi­p with Africa and put a stop to the people smugglers, then distrust of managed legal migration will be cleared up,” Merkel added.

The chancellor also defended working with militias in Libya to block departures of migrant boats organized by people smugglers.

“It’s right to smash these economic structures and prevent people from drowning in their thousands in the Mediterran­ean,” she said.

But she added: “I think it would be wrong to work longterm with a militia that does not support the unity government” in Tripoli.

Merkel’s comments came as Denmark’s minority center-right government said it doesn’t want to accept any refugees this year that come in under a United Nations quota system, an official said on Saturday.

If there is no solidarity on migration, neither will there be in other areas — and that would be bitter for European cohesion.” Angela Merkel, German chancellor

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