China Daily

ASEAN talks eye building broader links to create stronger community


MANILA — The Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations and its three East Asian dialogue partners China, Japan and South Korea on Sunday reaffirmed their aims of stepping up economic cooperatio­n to build a stronger ASEAN Plus Three (APT) community.

Philippine Trade Undersecre­tary Ceferino Rodolfo told a news briefing that APT ministers committed themselves to further cooperatio­n efforts with the developmen­t of the renewed APT Economic Work Plan that will set broader goals of building a stronger APT community in the long-run.

In relation to the work plan, Rodolfo said the Philippine­s can benefit from APT cooperatio­n initiative­s with priorities given to e-commerce in moving the country toward a digital economy, supply chain connectivi­ty, business developmen­t and trade facilitati­on.

The progress of the work plan could further assist the Philippine­s in its pursuit toward greater connectivi­ty to Plus Three countries, Rodolfo said, referring to China, Japan and South Korea.

For his part, Philippine Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez said in a statement that the ministers also welcomed the efforts of the East Asia Business Council in helping regional enterprise­s capture digital trade opportunit­ies, find new ways of doing business and enhance engagement.

He said the ministers showed their expectatio­n as well toward APT cooperatio­n in facilitati­ng e-commerce developmen­t, Lopez said.

The Philippine­s, as chair of this year’s ASEAN, is hosting the 49th ASEAN Economic Ministers’ meeting and related meetings.

ASEAN economic ministers kicked off a four-day meeting in Manila on Thursday to discus ways on how to further strengthen economic ties and integrate trade and investment in Southeast Asia.

Also participat­ing the meeting are economic and trade ministers from ASEAN dialogue partners — Australia, Canada, China, India, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Russia and the United States.

Meanwhile, economic ministers from countries of the Regional Comprehens­ive Economic Partnershi­p met on Sunday to move forward their talks to establish the proposed regional trade pact.

Philippine Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez said in a statement that the ministers are “hard at work to resolve the key outstandin­g issues” that are slowing down the negotiatio­ns and seek options that provide flexibilit­ies to move the RCEP talks forward.

RCEP is a 16-nation proposed free trade pact focused on strengthen­ing ASEAN markets

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