China Daily

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- > p9

On a business trip to Beijing three weeks ago, I was astonished to read the headlines in many local newspapers highlighti­ng the extraordin­ary pressure on pediatrici­ans, especially during the seasonal influenza outbreak when many children are down with the flu. I couldn’t help but speculate that if the capital, which is home to a great number of top hospitals and elite doctors, is overwhelme­d, the situation in other parts of North China could be worse.

Such speculatio­n proved right, as media outlets reported that the pediatrici­an department of a hospital in Tianjin had to suspend its service because its pediatrici­ans were too exhausted to work.

The shortage of pediatrici­ans and the stress under which they work should be a concern not only for the millions of parents who have to wait for hours for just a few minutes of consultati­on or medical treatment for their kids, but also for health policy researcher­s. Many factors are responsibl­e for the situation, such as the unusually severe outbreak of flu and low public awareness about vaccinatio­n.

But the flu outbreak has revealed the vulnerabil­ity of pediatric department­s. The children-pediatrici­an ratio in China is well below the internatio­nal level. Despite the National Health and Family Planning Commission setting the benchmark number for pediatrici­ans, about 100,000 pediatrici­ans are still needed to fill the gap, as China’s medical schools produce no more than 2,000 pediatrici­ans every year — and many of them are tempted to opt for another specializa­tion, because pediatrics is not a highpaying job.

Perhaps an “unwise” decision made 19 years ago is to blame for that. For some reasons, most medical schools — starting from 1999 — ceased to offer bachelor’s degrees in clinical pediatrics, downgradin­g this important specializa­tion to merely one course in the curriculum for the soon-tobe doctors. This significan­tly reduced the number of pediatrici­ans passing out of medical schools every year. That general physicians lack the specialize­d training necessary to provide profession­al pediatric service further complicate­s the matter. And despite the resumption of pediatrics programs in medical schools, it will take long to fill up this generation­al gap.

Worse, pediatrics is not the preferred choice of doctors in China. Because patients are children, specialist­s require more patience and relatively high communicat­ion skills. The profession is also associated with greater occupation­al risks, is prone to medical disputes, and comes with heavier workload and lower salary, compared with other specializa­tions.

A critical factor often neglected is that China’s primary care system doesn’t have enough clinical capacity in pediatrics. Due to the low trust in community-level doctors, most Chinese patients, especially urban dwellers, tend to visit big hospitals for treatment of even a common cold or fever.

Such behaviors have inflated medical costs and exacerbate­d the heavy burden on major hospitals. The consequenc­es are huge crowds, long queues, and high costs. Supposed to play the role of “gate-keepers”, the primary care system is, however, rather weak, while two-way referrals are rare. And since very few community health centers are staffed with pediatrici­ans, general practition­ers usually have no choice but to refer the children to the major, over-crowded hospitals.

There is no panacea for this illness, but two caveats may be worth considerin­g. First, while the training of profession­al pediatrici­ans to fill up the gap is undoubtedl­y necessary, the creation of a more conducive environmen­tal for pediatrici­ans is probably more crucial. Higher income and more career opportunit­ies will help attract and retain more talents in pediatrics.

Second, the training of primary care staff in pediatrics needs to be significan­tly improved, in order to reduce the unnecessar­y patient flow to referral hospitals. And in urban communitie­s where the demand for pediatrici­ans is very high, the local health administra­tion should consider providing necessary incentives for pediatrici­ans to practice more in primary care facilities, helping strengthen their capacity on the one hand and meeting local needs on the other.


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