China Daily

Death and denial influence ski racers’ reality


PYEONGCHAN­G, South Korea — Elite downhill racers will strap on their skis at the Pyeongchan­g Winter Olympics aware of the risks but sometimes in denial about the real dangers, despite two deaths in the run-up to the Games.

German teenager Max Burkhart and France’s twotime Olympian David Poisson both died in racing accidents in Canada, the first fatalities on the profession­al circuit since 2001, casting a dark shadow over the sport.

“We know we do a risky sport,” said Poisson’s teammate Blaise Giezendann­er.

“You accept wrecking a knee, you accept sliding into the nets. Injuries are part of the game.

“But the game is not about dying. At no moment do we downhiller­s say to ourselves ‘this morning, I’ll maybe die’.”

That said, there is an element of denial among the elite racers given the taxing nature of a sport that combines sheer speed with technical prowess.

Dressed in a skin-tight catsuit, back support and helmet, begoggled racers shoot through course falls, snakes and rolls, on a wide variety of terrain, in parts launching them 60 meters in the air, only to slam down for icy traverses that severely test technical ability and mastery of well-honed equipment.

Norwegian Kjetil Jansrud, who won super-G gold and downhill bronze in Sochi and giant slalom silver in 2010, said: “You have to compartmen­talize things, and it’s tough.

“We talk about it, we know our sport has a lot of risks, but we forget it is a dangerous one.

“When you crash, you can hurt yourself — a knee, an elbow — but death is difficult to accept.

“I’ve tried not to think too much about it because that brings fear, a lot of nerves. I’ll try to keep that away so that I don’t make any mistakes myself.”

Luc Alphand, France’s 1997 world downhill champion and erstwhile Dakar Rally driver, confirmed that “the word ‘fear’ is taboo in our sport”.

“However, every skier has periods when he’s less physically in form and when he feels fear,” Alphand added.

“It’s up to the skier to manage those periods, it’s up to him to look after himself, it’s a massive mental task.”

Risk management

Mental issues aside, Bernhard Russi, who won a gold and silver for Switzerlan­d in the Olympic downhills in 1972 and 1976, insists there is also the physical aspect of risk management — racers knowing just how far they are willing to push themselves.

“In 99 races out of 100, they will say ‘no, I’m not scared. I have respect for the mountain’,” said Russi, who’s been the designer of Olympic downhill courses for the Internatio­nal Ski Federation since 1980.

“Once they stop, they’ll remember moments when they were scared. But they’d never admit to that today. They have to protect themselves.

“I never admitted to being scared, but today I know there were two or three moments when I was scared of dying.

“In skiing, and downhill in particular, there is a permanent risk. We all put on a helmet when we go skiing. That means that we take a risk.

“A ski racer’s risk management is the same as a Formula One driver’s. If the latter goes full tilt into a turn and he crashes, he cannot complain, it’s his fault.

“If a ski racer doesn’t open up his body before a jump (to slow himself down) it’s not the jump’s fault, it’s his alone.

“At the end of the day, it’s a choice to take the risk or not. We’ll never be in a situation where we can say ‘there’s no more danger’.”

Markus Waldner, men’s chief race director for FIS, admitted that the racers had been affected by the deaths, but said the show had to go on, with everyone aware of the inherent risks that is part and parcel of a day’s work.

“Some guys will retire after the season, some will not perform this winter because they cannot go to their limit,” Waldner said.

“Then they’ll stop because they are not able anymore to push so far, to be competitiv­e. If you are not 100 percent ready to push yourself to the limit, you are not competitiv­e.

“You do it once, twice ... you feel ‘I cannot push myself anymore’ because maybe something is broken.”

 ?? DOMINIC EBENBICHLE­R / REUTERS ?? Lindsey Vonn of the US plans to compete in downhill, super-G and the combined event at the Pyeongchan­g Winter Games. She won her 81st World Cup title in Germany on the weekend.
DOMINIC EBENBICHLE­R / REUTERS Lindsey Vonn of the US plans to compete in downhill, super-G and the combined event at the Pyeongchan­g Winter Games. She won her 81st World Cup title in Germany on the weekend.

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