China Daily


- ͚పᬒ្ࣹ䄚᫝䬨

Ꮃ⺊⊤ࢄᐧⰮߋ㏼≻➦ࡧ কᎡ๔ч ᬒ̸ࡵͫ㵹ȡ΍䓾Ꭰܧ ፚ๔чᎣࣾ㶕䛺㺮䃟䄊ȡ΍䓾Ꭰౕ๔ч̷აጰγ̭У๔θ喟Ąౕ䔆䛹喑᜾䗾䛺აጰ喑ڇ͚๛۠Ⴧᩜᠮ⊤ࢄڕᇈᐧ䃫㜗⩞䉥ᭀ䄂侹ࡧ喑ᩜᠮ⊤ࢄ䔽ₒᣏ㉏Ƞ⽠ₒᣕ䔈͚ప➦㞟㜗⩞䉥ᭀ⍜ᐧ䃫ȡą ͧϭ͵᭜⊤ࢄ喤

΍䓾Ꭰᠴܧ喑⊤ࢄ᭜᜾పᰭ๔⮱㏼≻➦ࡧ喑ౝ⤳Ѻ㒛⠙➦喑᠒ᰶڕ ప ᰭສ⮱⩌ᔮ⣜ධ喑हᬣࣵ᭜Ⱕᄦ⠙ ⿸⮱ౝ⤳ࢂٰ喑ڕͧ᜽ᰶڤ పᩦ䲖ᐭᩫ䄂侹⩝⮱⠙➦х߬ȡ⊤ࢄౕ᜾ పᩦ䲖ᐭᩫহ⹫чͨͶ⣝Аࡃᐧ䃫๔ᅭ͚ڤᰶ➦₷ౝѺহ䛺㺮҉⩕ȡᄦλౕ⊤ࢄᐧ䃫㜗⩞䉥ᭀ䄂侹ࡧহ ͚ప➦㞟㜗⩞䉥ᭀ⍜喑΍䓾Ꭰ㶕⹧喑䔆᭜ڇ͚๛ⱭⱩλప䭲ప ๔ᆂࣾڲᅭ喑⌞ڒ ⵁ⾣Ƞ㐌ウ㔰㭾Ƞ⻾႓䄸ܿ ҉ܧ⮱䛺๔۠ゃ喑᭜ᒝ᭫᜾పព๔ᄦใᐭᩫȠ⼜Ხᣕߕ㏼≻ڕ⤰ࡃ۠ ᓰ⮱䛺๔ͫᣗȡ

It is a major decision that involves indepth research and overall planning by the CPC Central Committee, and it underlines China’s commitment to expanding opening-up and promoting economic globalizat­ion, Xi said.

΍䓾Ꭰ䄡喑⁏䓻ڕ̓⩹ែ䉱㔲⊤ݝ ࢄែ䉱ڡ͇喑⼜Ხ࣯̻⊤ࢄ㜗⩞䉥ᭀ⍜ᐧ䃫喑ڞ Ϙ͚పࣾᆂᱧ䕴Ƞ ڞ Ϙ͚పᩦ䲖᜽᳉ȡ

China welcomes investors worldwide to invest and start businesses in Hainan and participat­e in the building of a free trade port, thus sharing the country’s developmen­t opportunit­ies and outcomes of its reform, Xi said.


΍䓾Ꭰ᣽ܧ喑ڇ͚๛ᰭ䓾ⵁ⾣ݣჇ γȨ ڠ λᩜᠮ⊤ࢄڕ䲏⌞ࡃᩦ䲖ᐭ ᩫ⮱ᠴᄩᘼ㻮ȩȡ ጹ᱈⊤ࢄᎬ๔᎟䘕㓑фៀѼᱧ䕴Ƞ ں ᣒ ںࢶ喑Вӈ㐆Ӕ㐀Ჱᕔᩦ䲖ͧ ͨ㏬喑ᐧ䃫㜗⩞䉥ᭀ䄂侹ࡧহ͚ప ➦㞟㜗⩞䉥ᭀ⍜喑ࣾᡒ㜗䏘х߬喑๔㗳ᣏ㉏݈᫝喑Ɑ߈ក䕍ڕ䲏⌞ࡃᩦ䲖ᐭᩫ䄂侹ࡧ喍a pilot zone for deepening reform and opening-up on all fronts喎Ƞపუ⩌ᔮ᪴ᬻ䄂侹ࡧ喍a pilot national ecological zone喎Ƞప䭲᫲⍥⊵䉦͚ᓰ喍an internatio­nal tourism and consumptio­n center喎Ƞ పუ䛺๔ᝅ⪒᰺ߎԊ䯉ࡧ喍a major national strategic logistics zone喎喑ζ ݈᫝ᬣА͚ప➦㞟⹫чͨͶ⩌ߕ㠰Ҹ喍a vivid example of socialism with Chinese characteri­stics for a new era喎喑䃖⊤ࢄ᜽ͧᆂ⹧͚ప䷻㠰Ƞ ͚ప⅁≫Ƞ͚పᒏ䆎⮱䲀ͪऺ❴ȡ


ᐧ䃫㜗䉥ࡧȠ㜗䉥⍜ ⊤ࢄࣾᆂ̺㘪В䒙ऐ䉥ᭀহߍጒ ݣ䕍ͧ䛺◦喑㔹㺮Вࣾᆂ᫲⍥͇Ƞ⣝


Hainan should focus on tourism, modern services and high-tech sectors instead of intermedia­ry trade and manufactur­ing.

〆ౕᰡ倅䊤◦ᣕ䔈ᩦ䲖⊤ࢄ㺮〆ౕᰡ倅䊤◦䄸ܿহᣕ䔈ᩦ䲖喑̸๔⅁߈ⵡ䮑Ҁ ݣ ᱧ ݣ ᐷ〜喑̺ ᫚㼐ᩫহࣾᆂ⹫ч⩌ϔ߈ȡ

Reform will be advanced from a higher starting point in Hainan. Increased efforts should be made to remove the disadvanta­ges of the existing system and mechanism.

㏼≻倅䉕䛼ࣾᆂ⊤ࢄ㺮ಇ۠䉜ᒨ᫝ࣾᆂ⤳ᔢ喑ᐧ䃫⣝Аࡃ㏼≻Ҁ㈨喑ౕᣕߕ㏼≻倅䉕䛼ࣾᆂ᫦䲏䊝ౕڕ ప ȡ݄ݺ

Hainan should resolutely implement the new developmen­t concept to build a modernized economy and come to the forefront of promoting high-quality economic developmen­t.

⩌ᔮ᪴ᬻҀ䲖ᩦݣ ٵ㵹̭ₒ ڇ͚๛۠Ⴧ喑ᩜᠮ⊤ࢄᐧ䃫పუ⩌ ᔮ᪴ᬻ䄂侹ࡧ喑㺮჋㵹ᰭ͒ᵩ⮱⩌ ᔮ⣜ධԊ៑ݣ Ꮣȡ

The CPC Central Committee has decided to support the province to build a national ecological developmen­t pilot zone, with the strictest ecological and environmen­tal protection mechanism.

॥ᑂϧ᝺Ƞ⪆Ѽϧ᝺Ƞ⩕ສϧ᝺呀ߞప ڲ ⴒऺ倅ᵎহⵁ⾣ᱧᲱౕ⊤ ࢄ䃫⿸ܳᩜᱧᲱ喑呀ߞ⊤ࢄᑂ䔈ධ ใх䉕᪆㗟䉱⎽ȡ

The country encourages key universiti­es and research institutes at home to set up branches in Hainan, and encourages Hainan to introduce high-quality education resources from abroad.


Technical personnel and those with profession­al skills from foreign countries as well as those from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, will be allowed to work and apply for permanent residence permits in Hainan.

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