China Daily

Liverpool, Shanghai to enhance trade link

- By CECILY LIU in London cecily.liu@mail.chinadaily­

Shanghai delegates visiting sister city Liverpool this week for the Internatio­nal Business Festival are urging British companies to attend the inaugural China Internatio­nal Import Expo in November.

Xu Kunlin, vice-mayor of Shanghai, said the new expo is a vital move to further open the Chinese market to the rest of the world and will enhance global trade and common prosperity.

The comments came on a busy first day at Britain’s flagship biannual trade fair, where 7,000 internatio­nal businesses gather over three weeks seeking to secure trade deals.

“For businesses with a global vision, the China Internatio­nal Import Expo is something you cannot miss,” Xu said. “China has a big market, where consumptio­n and demand for imported goods grow rapidly.”

China is expected to import more than $10 trillion in goods and services over the next five years, the central government estimates.

The China Internatio­nal Import Expo signifies China’s transition into a consumptio­nled growth model, in contrast to its previous high growth model fueled by exports. The expo, co-hosted by the Ministry of Commerce and Shanghai municipal government, will be held annually.

The expo also coincides with the 40th anniversar­y of China’s reform and opening up, which provides the backdrop for the country’s rapid economic developmen­t and internatio­nal business engagement. Earlier this year, President Xi Jinping announced further measures to open the Chinese market to foreign businesses.

Gary Millar, deputy mayor of Liverpool, said the strong link between the two cities is characteri­zed by trade, partnershi­p, friendship and teamwork. The Liverpool City Council will organize a delegation of local businesses to attend the China Internatio­nal Import Expo.

So far more than 1,100 companies across more than 100 countries and regions have registered to attend the China Internatio­nal Import Expo, on Nov 5 through 10, Xu said.

Shanghai became sister cities with Liverpool in 1999. Liverpool staged a pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai Expo, and businesses from Shanghai have been visiting Liverpool’s Internatio­nal Business Festival ever since it began in 2014.

Another important link between the two port cities is the similarity in architectu­ral design between Shanghai’s waterfront, the Bund, and the famous Three Graces skyline at Liverpool’s Pier Head.

The festival, an initiative of the Liverpool government, has already boosted UK trade and investment activities by an acumulated 600 million pounds ($800 million). The organizers hope the 2018 festival will bring a further 400 million pounds of trade and investment activities.

Adam Tian, head of HSBC UK’s China Desk, said UK-China trade relations have not yet reached their full potential. “There is great complement­arity, as Britain has expertise in many sectors that are of strategic focus in China, including robotics, railway transport, marine energy, new energy, new materials, and pharmaceut­ical,” said Tian.

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